
Please visit the Fit for Travel website to determine which vaccinations you believe you require and document on the form. Once completed please return the questionnaire to reception and allow for up to 3 working days for it to be processed before contacting the surgery for an appointment. 

Vaccination schedules can be complicated particularly if patients have incomplete schedules. By completing the questionnaire we are able to better assist the practice nurse of your requirements. If you have had any previous vaccinations in the past, if possible, please kindly any documentation of dates and vaccines for them along with the questionnaire

Some travel vaccinations are not covered by the NHS theses include Hepatitis B as well as Meningitis (ACWY) for travel purposes. 

Important points for travel vaccinations

To help us advise you better on what travel vaccinations you may required, please complete our travel vaccinations and advice questionnaire. 

Antimalaria medication

Travelling in short notice

If you are traveling on short notice (i.e. less than 6 weeks time), the practice may not be able to accommodate your request. You may need to contact some local travel clinics (below) for your travel vaccinations. Please contact the surgery to see whether we can accommodate your request.

Yellow fever vaccination

The practice does not offer yellow fever vaccinations please visit one of the above travel centres

Travel health advice

General advice

Diseases such as Typhoid, Hepatitis A and Cholera, as well as traveller’s diarrhoea, can be caught from contaminated food. Often simple precautions can reduce these risks:


Malaria is a serious and potentially fatal disease which is spread by the bite of infected mosquitoes.  It is a widespread problem in most parts of Africa, Asia, Central and South America.  Prevention is based upon treatment with anti-malarial tablets combined with a measure to avoid mosquito bites, but may not be 100% effective.  A large proportion of malarial cases are potentially avoidable, and are a result of a failure to take anti-malarial tablets or poor compliance with the recommended course of treatment. Any illness with a fever, either during or up to one year after travel to a malarial risk area, should be suspected as possible malaria and prompt medical attention sought.  Please read the following advice if you intend visiting a country where malaria is a problem.

Mosquito bite avoidance

Anti-malarial tablets alone is not 100% effective against malaria. It is important to reduce the risk of mosquito bites • Use of insect repellants (50% Deet Diethyltoluamide).  These are best purchased in the UK prior to travel

For more information regarding travel: