
Add New Pages and Insert Google Tools


Google Sites works like a "wiki" (think "Wikipedia"). You can add, edit, and link an infinite number of webpages to help your audience navigate through your site. You can even invite others to edit your site collaboratively. In addition to text, images, and links, Google Sites allows you to embed a variety of other Google products like YouTube video, Google Calendars, and other G Suite files like Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms.


  • Add and edit pages
  • Insert G Suite tools

Student Responsibilities


  • Continue to edit your Site by adding new pages based on the vision you shared in the previous module.
  • Populate your pages with at least three of the following:
    • a file and/or folder from Google Drive (note: Permissions must be set in Google Drive to "anyone with the link can view"
    • a YouTube video
    • a Google Calendar (note: Permissions must be set in Google Calendar to make your calendar "public"
    • a Google Map or custom "My Maps" (note: Permission must be set in Google My Maps to "anyone with the link can view"
    • a Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, and/or Forms file


  • What types of content do you intend to share with your stakeholders?
  • What challenges do you face in adding and editing pages in your Google Site?
  • What is your comfort level with the software thus far?
  • Feel free to reply to another student's post.