
Google Forms is a useful tool to help you plan events, send a survey, give students a quiz, or collect other information in an easy, streamlined way.


  • Create and edit a Form (i.e. survey)
  • Edit a Form with friends or coworkers
  • Send a Form to solicit responses
  • View responses in a Google Spreadsheet
  • View responses as a visual summary of responses
  • Evaluate Google Forms as a communication and collaboration tool

Student Responsibilities

Please review the linked resources below, complete the tasks, and share your thoughts on Google Classroom.


    • Create and edit a Form (up to 5 questions--please experiment with different question types). Alternatively, create a Google Forms Quiz that you can use with your students.
    • Invite a classmate and the instructor to collaborate on a Form with you, giving them editing privileges (optional)
    • Send a Form to your classmates to solicit responses
    • View responses as a visual summary of responses. If you created a Google Forms Quiz, review the quiz results--Summary, Question, and Individual--grade any short answer questions, and release the scores to your students. Optional: provide individual feedback for short answer questions.
    • View responses in a Google Spreadsheet. If you created a Google Forms Quiz, review the summary of responses and release the grades to your students.
    • Transform a lesson plan by tasking your students with responding to your Google Form.


Complete the following on Google Classroom.

    • Share the link to your Google Form (hint: click the Send Form button; look for the "link" icon)
    • Evaluate Google Forms as a teaching, learning, and assessment tool.
    • Share your thoughts on how you might use this with students or colleagues.
    • Feel free to comment on at least one other student's note.