

The simplified definition for plagiarism is the copying and borrowing of another's original ideas and/or words. Plagiarism occurs with the inclusion of material not explicitly cited as well as with collaborative work from another student willfully or otherwise.

Penalties for Plagiarism:

Each incidence of plagiarism is subject to review and consideration by the instructor, and is subject to a range of penalties including but not limited to failing the assignment, failing the course, and referral to the disciplinary review board (which may ultimately result in the expulsion, suspension, or disciplinary removal of the student from the university).


A website dedicated to the multifaceted interpretations of incorrect citations. Especially check out What is Plagiarism? and Preventing Plagiarism when Writing

This is an informative yet humorous introduction to plagiarism including tips to improve your writing in an effort to avoid plagiarism. The tutorial consists of two flash movies and a quiz to test your understanding of the content.


Includes examples of plagiarism in real life and outside of the classroom (like the New York Times and government documents).


Created by the University Of Maryland University College (UMUC)

Avoiding Plagiarism: What Do I Need to Cite?

A video from Iowa State University


This game created by Lycoming College tests your knowledge of plagiarism in a fun, interactive way. You can print the last screen as proof of completion.