
Note of Caution

If you decide to use online resources like SparkNotes or watch a film adaptation instead of doing the reading, you are still going to need to do a little extra reading about your text. SparkNotes is not going to tell you everything so still read some of the actual text before going to class. As for film adaptations, you are going to need to know what they changed. Some adaptations might as well have a completely new title with how far they are from the original text. Be very careful relying on outside resources. Your professor will spot that you haven't done your reading very fast if you mention something completely off the wall during class discussion.

Icon: document with a magnifying glass


Icon: a stick figure person reading a book

Skimming and Scanning

Icon: flotation device (the throwable ring)

Staying Afloat: Some Scattered Suggestions on Reading in College

Icon: checklist with a magnifying glass

Skimming and Scanning

Skimming Exercises


Skim, Scan, and Run


Reading: Skimming and Scanning