Reading Space

The first step in what we are calling the thinking phase is to establish a reading space. The best place to absorb information varies depending on the person. Some people need total silence in order to concentrate while others need a constant stream of sound.

Now, it’s important to keep in mind that reading for class is different than reading for fun, so the normal reading space might have to be adjusted. Take some time to experiment to find the most optimal location. Once you’ve found it, get comfortable. You'll probably be there for a while.

Don’t forget to bring headphones wherever you decide to set up. (The way you study might be a hindrance to someone else around you.)

Below are a few YouTube music streams and channels that might help with concentration

University College Playlists

LoFi Hip-Hop Music


Chillhop Music's channel


Lofi Girl's channel


Mr. MoMo Music's channel


Yūgen's channel

Relaxing Music

Afterglow Ambient Mix

The Best of Classical Music

Study Music To Concentrate

Also, check out there channel for other options: Quiet Quest - Study Music Channel

Movie/Television Soundtracks

Blade Runner

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

The Queen's Gambit