So. Much. Grading. How can I streamline the grading process?

Let’s face it. Grading is one of the most time-consuming, least-fun components of the job. However, providing instructor feedback for students is one of the most important tasks to promote student learning and overall success. Therefore, we must figure out how to balance the task so that we are providing constructive, descriptive feedback in a timely manner while maintaining our own sanity. For both formative and summative feedback, there are many tools and features in the LMS and external technology that can help us streamline the grading process. Providing detailed, meaningful feedback for the formative assessments (please see our teaching guide How do I offer feedback on formative assessments?) helps streamline feedback on the summative assessments, allowing you to provide less descriptive, written feedback since those comments have been left on prior drafts or assignments, if your summative assessment is scaffolded. In short, summative assessments do not require as much descriptive feedback if you have given students good feedback on their formative assessments along the way, allowing you to provide mostly evaluative feedback.

Instructional Solutions

Ed Tech Quick Guides

Further Reading

Darby, F., & Lang, J. (2019). Small Teaching Online. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Fiock, Holly and Garcia, H. (2019). “How to Give Your Students Better Feedback with Technology.” The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Higher Order Concerns (HOCs) and Lower Order Concerns (LOCs). Purdue Online Writing Lab.

“5 Research-based Tips for Providing Students with Meaningful Feedback”

“Improve Feedback with Audio and Video Commentary”

How to Give Your Students Better Feedback with Technology

Howard E. Aldrich. 2002. “Your Paper’s on the Floor, Outside My Door.” National Teaching & Learning Forum, 12, 1: 10.

Cognitive Wrapper Assessment

Dr. Janet Genz, Associate Professor, Biology

If you use any information from this site, please cite it appropriately: 

UWG Institute for Faculty Excellence.  (2021, August 17). So. much. grading. how can I streamline the grading process? UWG Online Teaching Faculty Toolkit.