How do I offer fast feedback on formative assessments?

Formative assessments are important tools for progress monitoring, which can inform our own teaching practices by determining whether or not students have mastered certain concepts in a scaffolded approach to their summative assessments.  According to Kulik and Kulik, as paraphrased in Flower Darby’s Small Teaching Online, “One meta-analysis of more than 50 studies on this question found that feedback on lower-stakes assessments such as quizzes or classroom activities was more beneficial when it was immediate” (111).  Therefore, we need to consider methods and tools that will allow us to return constructive, descriptive feedback on all formative assessments immediately or at least very quickly to students in order for them to gain the most benefit from these assessments. 

Instructional Solutions

Since we need to make sure our feedback on formative assessments is provided immediately, or very quickly, and contains detailed, descriptive feedback that students can use to improve their performance on later formative assessments and ultimately summative assessments, let’s consider the following methods and tools that would help us obtain that goal. 

For formative, or lower-stakes assessments, consider the following tools to provide immediate or quick feedback for students:

Ed Tech Quick Guides


Auto-Graded Quizzes 

Submission Views

Pass/Fail Grade Item 


Group Tool with Lockers 

Intelligent Agents: Creation  

Intelligent Agents: View Results 

Video Note

Further Reading

Darby, F., & Lang, J. (2019). Small Teaching Online. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Fiock, Holly and Garcia, H. (2019). “How to Give Your Students Better Feedback with Technology.” The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Higher Order Concerns (HOCs) and Lower Order Concerns (LOCs). Purdue Online Writing Lab.

“5 Research-based Tips for Providing Students with Meaningful Feedback”

“Improve Feedback with Audio and Video Commentary”

How to Give Your Students Better Feedback with Technology

Howard E. Aldrich. 2002. “Your Paper’s on the Floor, Outside My Door.” National Teaching & Learning Forum, 12, 1: 10.

Cognitive Wrapper Assessment

When to Use Whole Class Feedback

Blog: Whole-Class Feedback: Making It Work At a Distance

Blog: Whole-Class Feedback: Improve the Curriculum, Not Just the Pupil with Examples Linked

If you use any information from this site, please cite it appropriately: 

UWG Institute for Faculty Excellence.  (2021, August 17). How do I offer fast feedback on formative assessments? UWG Online Teaching Faculty Toolkit.