STudent FAQs

What is the purpose of SI?

To increase retention within targeted historically difficult courses.

To improve student grades in targeted historically difficult courses.

To increase the graduation rates of students

What is an SI Leader?

SI sessions are led by students who have already been successful in the same class that you are taking. They are trained by the Center of Academic Success to facilitate study groups and work closely with the professor to ensure that the sessions are on target with the course.

How does it work?

At each session, the SI leader will guide the students through the course concepts. SI leaders will help students make good use of their time and share the strategies they used to be successful in the course. SI leaders will not re-lecture, give out copies of his or her notes, help students with assigned homework, or encourage last minute test cramming.

What's In it for me?

Students who attend SI sessions statically earn better grades. Research shows that students regularly average one half to one full letter grade higher than their classmates who choose not to attend. Students are also able to transfer the skills they learn to other classes that do not offer SI support.

How will I know if SI is offered in my class?

The SI Leader will make an announcement about sessions on the first day of class. You may also check our SI schedule with your class schedule to see.

What does it cost?

SI sessions are free! Students are encouraged to come as often as they like, however, the statistics show that the more sessions a student attends, the better their grades are.

I'm interested in becoming an si leader...

Students interested in becoming a Supplemental Instruction Leader should apply online for Spring 2022 at via Careers, or use return to the home page for more information. 

I have concerns about si in my course...

For all questions or concerns, please contact the Coordinator of Supplemental Instruction, Kate Verheyn. You can reach her via email at or phone at 678-839-0670.