Stony Brook School

Start of School Year REQUIRED Paperwork

Beginning of the school year paperwork.

COVID-19 has required us to reinvent or reimagine how we do things at the school. One area is start of the school year documents that we typically send home for your review and signature.

These Google Forms for parents/guardians were created to gather the start of the school year required data. We have eliminated the need to bring home papers (some, not all) to be reviewed and signed. Please visit these links below, if applicable, even if there hasn't been any changes to your student's information since the last school year.


ALL Students -- Parents/Guardians must complete:

  1. Digital Citizenship and Confidentiality (both parents and students must review together)

Please download and save an electronic copy of the Agreement here.

We are required by law to protect student privacy when using any application that may collect personally identifiable information (PII). All tools collecting PII are required to sign a privacy agreement with WPS. When this is not possible, parental permission for each student is required.

Hybrid Students ONLY:

  1. Transportation to/from School (Hybrid students only please)

Please let us know how your child arrives and leaves each day they are in the building.

6th Grade Students and newly enrolled students ONLY:

Co-Curricular Virtual Activities - please complete this form if your child with participate in after school clubs:

The activity fee is due by Friday, 11/20/2020. Thank you.