Stony Brook Middle School


Ms. Morris

Course description and message to students

I hope you will have an exciting year of exploring new art techniques and working with a variety of materials. Through all the art projects we create this year I hope you have fun discovering your own unique abilities and creativity. Our units of study will include the disciplines of fine arts and design. We will be practicing different drawing techniques including perspective, shading and observational drawing. Students will have opportunities to practice painting, printing and sculpture techniques. We will also have opportunities to use computer art programs. Within the frameworks of each project you will be introduced to the elements and principles of design. As well as learning about influential art work in history.

Classroom expectations

On the first day of class we will go over classroom rules and procedures of the art room. I will ask everyone to work together to create an environment that is productive, safe and comfortable for everyone. We will talk about how important it is to respect yourself, others and property. I will expect students to come to class prepared to work and to use their Studio Art time wisely. Students should be able to finish their work in class. If their work in not completed they may take it home to complete and ask the teacher for extra help. The only materials students are required to bring to class are a pencil and eraser.


Grades are based on criteria met for each project and work habits. For each art project I will go over the criteria list of the project and students will be instructed through individual and group demonstrations how criteria can be met.


Students will take art two days in a six day rotation for half of the school year. Classes are 45 minutes.

Displaying Art Work

After student work is graded we display artwork in the art room and hallway.

You can also see student artwork on the Stony Brook Art Gallery. You will find the link at the top of this page.

Below you will see a list of art projects we may do in art class.

6th grade projects may include:

Portfolio - Letter Design and Illustration

Origami-3D box

Optical illusions

Watercolor techniques

Pastel drawing - G. O'Keeffe

Computer art

7th grade projects may include:

Portfolio - Letter Design and Illustration

Drawing/Hands with Object - M.C.Escher

Sumi-e painting

Ancient Egyptian art

Rangoli designs

Comic Grid Poster

Computer art

8th grade projects may include:

Portfolio - Letter Design and Illustration


Animation Movies - computer art

Art Analysis

Abstract Illustration - Klee, Matisse

Zentangle Pattern designs