Blanchard Theatre Arts

Mrs. Sacco  -- Director

Mrs. Ottesen  -- Music Director

Mrs. Murphy -- Producer

The Google Classroom join code is:  See Mrs. Sacco

Only students may join the Google Classroom and should do so using their school-issued Google accounts.   

Audition Information/Materials will be posted in Google Classroom.

Our spring play will be
"The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"

Auditions will be held on 

Thursday and Friday, February 6 & 7 from 2 to 4 PM each day

Crew sign up forms are due by 

2 PM on Thursday, February 6

Auditions will be held on Thursday and  Friday, February 6 & 7  from 2 to 4 PM each day.   For those auditioning, all forms must be brought to auditions.  For those who want to participate in crew, all forms must be submitted to Mrs. Sacco no later than 2 PM on Thursday, February 6.  Students will NOT be cast or placed on a crew if any of the forms are missing or if they are submitted late. 

All audition and crew forms can be found on the Production Specific Forms page (scroll down to find a link to this page).  With the exception of the Student Information Form (Google Form), the rest of the forms MUST be printed, filled out and turned in.  Do NOT scan them and email them to Mrs. Sacco.

How do I join BTA??

Photo Permission 2023

In order to join BTA each year, students (with their parents/guardians) must do the following:

1) Fill out the online Student Information form.

2) Print, fill out and sign the Photo Permission slip. Submit to Mrs. Sacco no later than 2PM on Tuesday, September 11, 2024.

I do need these forms each school year and I only need them to be filled out once per school year.   

For each production, there will be production specific forms that will be posted prior to auditions.  

Before auditioning or signing up for a BTA crew, students (and their parents/guardians) should carefully read these participation guidelines. 

Guidelines for Casting/Participation

BTA Apparel 

We have BTA Apparel (sweatshirts and flannel pants) available for purchase.  See Mrs. Sacco or Mrs. Ottesen for sizes and prices.