Supply List

-Plastic pencil box/pouch (7"x11"x2")  ( with the following**)

-12 sharpened pencils with erasers  **

-Scissors **

-2 dry erase markers **

-two highlighters **

-one old sock/dry erase marker

-2 Glue sticks **

-Colored pencils**


-2 Two-pocket folders (plastic folders are preferred with bottom pockets)

-Headphones  with microphone if possible-labeled with name in a Ziploc bag

-2 composition notebooks (wide ruled)

-1 one-inch binder

-2 packages of post-its

-12 in ruler

-Small Ziploc Bag with 20 pennies, 10 nickels, 20 dimes and 6 quarters

****I am also asking that you consider the following to preserve our new floors - Tennis Balls w/slits Amazon link

*A donation of 1 or more of the following will be greatly appreciated-

Clorox wipes  and hand soap (LAST name A-F)

tissues and paper towels (LAST name G-N)

sandwich-sized Ziploc, a gallon-sized box of Ziploc (LAST name O-Z)