Book List

The start of the school year is here! It is that time of the year where your child gets to spend quality time with the teacher, share their ideas and learn something new. The best times I have had with the students is when I am reading with them, seeing their faces light up as they learn an interesting fact and sharing it with the group. This is not only my favorite part of teaching, but also of parenting. Bed time is such a sacred time to sit down with a book and bring the characters to life. It is such a bonding experience that your kids will remember and pass on to their little ones. I truly believe that children become reader's on the laps of their parents. It is true that kids develop a passion for reading through being read to. They also develop their vocabulary, understand how a book should be read, build comprehension and it has been proven to improve their math ability as well. Not only is reading to your child important, but having them read independently is just as important. That desire that you instilled in them to read from the start will pay off when they independently read. They continue to build their fluency, vocabulary and comprehension as they read independently. So, enjoy your time reading with your child and dive into a book you have been meaning to read independently while they read independently. Here is a suggested book list:

In addition, here are a list of websites that you can visit to practice skills or reinforce what they are currently learning:

Moreover, please continue to utilize Raz Kids and Epic if your child has an account.