Mrs. Conneely 

RIS history


Welcome to Mrs. Conneely's Website. Please go to google classroom for everything. If you have trouble accessing classroom, please email me.  

If you should need any assistance or would like to contact me, I am available via email at Remember, you must use your Westfield G-Mail account for your message to be sent. 

Link to Google Classroom

Link to Google Classroom

Class Calendars: Please refer to the below calendars for information regarding due dates of class assignments and projects. Please note that assignments will pop up on their actual due date.  Please note - the calendars are different for various class periods. 

Class Materials: 

1) Charged Chromebook every day

2) 1 Marble notebook to be kept in class

3) Headphones (can be kept in the classroom or your backpack)

4) Bonus - please bring in tissues and/or anti-bacterial to help keep our classroom healthy!

About: Mrs. Conneely started teaching at Roosevelt Intermediate School in 2010.  She currently teaches 8th grade social studies.