Mrs. Scaturo

Transitional Kindergarten

About Me

Laurie Scaturo - 908-789-4455


Room 308

ABC blocks

Class Personnel

T-K Personnel

Mrs. Laurie Scaturo - teacher

Mrs, McClave (Mrs. M) - classroom aide

Mrs. Russo

Mrs Owais (Mrs. O)

Mrs. Panasis (Mrs. P)

Miss Boylan

Social Skills- Mr. Albert Buck

Behaviorist - Mrs. Alicia LaBruna

Speech - Mrs. Merlo & Mrs. Posluszny & Mrs. Said

Occupational Therapy - Mrs. Lotano & Mrs. Sluberski

Physical Therapy - Mrs. Richardson

Lunch Teachers - Mrs. Scaturo, Mrs. Russo, Mrs. Bellomo, Miss Boylan

Our Weekly Specials

Mondays - Library 9:00-9:30

Tuesdays - Music 10:50-11:20

Wednesdays - Gym 12:50-1:20 MUST WEAR SNEAKERS

Thursdays - Art 1:00-1:45

Fridays - Gym 9:50-10:20 MUST WEAR SNEAKERS

Free photo: Shoe, Canvas, Sneakers, Casual - Free Image on Pixabay ...

Sick Policy

If your child has been sent home from school with a fever he/she must be "fever-free" for 24 hours before returning to school. This means they CANNOT return to school the next day because it wouldn't be 24 hours. Please adhere to this policy to prevent the spread of germs in the classroom.

If you child is sent home for vomiting, they must be a full 24 hours (vomit free) from the last time they vomit before they can return to school.

Our School Nurse is Mrs. Oviedo. If you have any questions on this policy, please contact her directly.

Amused brown haired nurse in blue scrubs giving a thumb up… | Flickr

To Report an Absence

If your child is going to be absent, please make the following phone calls to report his/her absence.

1. Call the bus company- this saves a lot of time for the driver if she knows ahead of time. 908-298-0045 (Durham LPK4/ TranK route)

732-661-1620 (Dapper Bus- LPK5/ LPK6 route)

2. Call the school or send me an e-mail to report the absence and the reason for the absence.

sick? fever? Dr. Appointment?

