My family no longer has health insurance.  I would like to know how my family can obtain health care coverage?

NJ Family Care is affordable health care coverage for uninsured children, couples, and even singles.  Family Care is not a welfare program.  It is a low cost health care through a variety of recognized maintenance organizations.  For more information, please visit www.njfamilycare.org or 1-800-701-0710.


My child is entering 9th grade in September.  He/she would like to partipate in a Fall Sport.  What requirements are necessary?

Your child should register for the sport and download the yearly physical forms from the Athletic Office website.  Yearly physicals are valid for 365 days from the date of the physical. In addition to an annual physical, your child needs to complete a Health History Update Form for each sport. 

FYI -- If the annual physical is scheduled during the summer, the student will be able to sign up for any sport during the school year.


When should I keep my child home from school?

Healthy students make better learners: the school nurse recommends that your child should stay home if any of these symptoms exist:

 When should I return my child to school --- the nurse recommends that you return your child to school when the following occurs:

If my child needs to take medication (prescription or non-prescription) during school hours or on field trips, what is the procedure that needs to be followed?

If you have any additional questions, please contact the nurse in your child's school. 


My son injured himself during football practice over the weekend.  He has seen a physician and is now on crutches.  He would like to return to school.  What is the procedure?

Is the vaccine for meningitis required for high school students?

Meningitis is a bacterial infection of the fluid surrounding the spinal cord and brain.  Anyone can get meningitis, but it has been found that college freshmen living in dormitories have an increased risk for getting this infection.

The meningococcal vaccine is NOT MANDATED, BUT RECOMMENDED for those high school students who have never gotten a meningococcal vaccine, and college freshmen living in dormitory situations. 


If my son or daughter is 18 years of age, and driving, must I come to the Health Office to pick him or her up if they are ill in school?

All students who become ill or injured during the school day must report to the nurse in the Health Office.  Parents will then be contacted by the nurse, and depending on the severity of the illness or the injury, the parent and the nurse, along with input from the student, will decide whether the student is well enough to drive home.