5s Welcome Letter


WHat is Success?

What is success? On the surface this seems like an easy question. However, when we pull back the layers you’ll see that this question is more complicated then just a quick thought or answer. My goal this year is to help you discover the many aspects of success. Through deep deliberate learning and thinking we’ll all be on a journey of success together. Whether we are learning about spatial inequality in Mexico City, trying to multiply fractions, or experimenting with mixtures and solutions, we will take the road of success together. It may not always be easy, but nothing worth doing is rarely easy. 

As I look around our classroom I slowly think about all of the great memories that we will make in 5s this year. This is your 5th grade year, your final year of elementary school, let’s make it your best. I want you leaving 5th grade confident that you’ll feel prepared to conquer any challenge that Intermediate School throws your way. 

Eagerly awaiting the first day of school...your 5th grade teacher,

Mr. Schmidt

First Assignment