Moving up to Middle School: A Family Guide for Westerville City Schools

Moving up to middle school is an exciting time for our 5th-grade students and families!  Navigating a new building, new staff, and new friends can sometimes feel overwhelming, but your school teams - at the elementary and middle schools - are here to support the transition to middle school so that students are successful.

This website will be your resource for everything middle school transition!  Stay tuned throughout the spring and summer for additional information to be posted.  If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please do not hesitate to reach out to your middle school.

Sixth-grade transition video DRAFT 2.mp4

We're so excited to meet our newest 6th graders on Monday, April 29 from 6-8 pm!  The information letters from your principal below were emailed to families on 4/17/24.  

Blendon Middle School (BMS)

Genoa Middle School (GMS)

Heritage Middle School (HMS)

Minerva Park Middle School (MPMS)

Walnut Springs Middle School (WSMS)

All sixth-grade students in Westerville City Schools take a music course in addition to English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, and Career Connections.  Please see below for information to help you choose the music option that is the best fit for your student's interests!


Ready For Middle School (music).mp4

Click the video to learn about your middle school music options!  Ms. Marcum, Choir instructor at HMS, provides an overview of music class options.  


Check out Music Options in Middle School to learn more about music choices and instruments for 6th-grade students.  Students will try instruments at their school in February 2024. 

Step 3: DECIDE

Now that you have heard about your options, checked out the different classes, tried instruments at school, and discussed your interest with your families, add your selection to PowerSchool by March 8, 2024.


If your student is planning on joining the Band or Orchestra, please take a moment to fill out this survey about instruments for next year.