Minerva Park Middle School Library

Panthers Prowl in the library

Destiny Discover

Click here to access the MPMS Library Catalog to find what books we have and put books on hold. Questions? Ask Mrs. Baryon.

Reading Resrouces Links

Do you need ideas on what to read next?

Minerva Park Community Book Swap

Click for more details about the event!

Panther Staff REsources

Library Schedule and Information

Minerva Park Middle School Library Mission

To promote literacy and life-long learning by instilling a love of reading through easy access to a wide variety of high-interest materials and support overall student well-being by providing students a safe space to be themselves. 

About Mrs. Baryon

Mrs. Baryon has been a school librarian since 2010. Most of those years have been with Westerville City Schools including both Walnut Springs Middle School and Westerville North High School. Her favorite things to do at school are talk about books and support student mental health. Outside of school she enjoys taking care of her family, pets, and many plants, reading books, creating art out of paint or string (separately), and going for long walks with friends.

She can be reached by email at: baryone@westerville.k12.oh