Third Grade

5/4/20 - Activities for the next two weeks can be found below or by clicking HERE.


Check out the listening map for Night On Bald Mountain.

(Click the dropdown menu at the top left and choose Night on Bald Mountain.)

What do you think?

What instruments do you hear?

Can you make up a different movement for each section?


Sound Poem

Using the poem below, create sounds to accompany the poem. You can use items from your house, body percussion, or your voice. For example, find something that makes a metallic sound to play when you read the word "vibrations." After you have created all the sounds you want, perform it for your family.

A Poem About Sound

Sound waves come from vibrations


They move in all directions through the air

They're fast or they're slow

If the pitch is HIGH or LOW

Sound waves can't be seen, but we know

they're there

When the sound wave gets into our ear

It vibrates the tiny ear bones and then we


Our brain knows each sound

If it's scary, soft, or loud

Sound waves can travel through solids,

liquids, air.

By Jennie Munson


This song has been around a lot lately! It has a great message!

How many people sing during a solo?

What do you call a group of people who sing together?

Sing along and get your body moving to the beat!

Song Form: Intro, Verse, Chorus, Bridge, Chorus, (Tag Ending)

Silence in music is important! It can make it sound more exciting or add a dramatic effect. Uses these rests to color a fun summer scene.

4/6/20 - Here are the activities for the next two weeks. Click on the links below to choose activities to complete during your music time.


What do you think?

What instruments do you hear?

Can you make up a different movement for each section?


Many people have been baking to keep busy. Create rhythms with different flavors of pies. Choose four (you can do the same filling more than once) and clap and say the pattern. For example: Apple, Apple, chocolate, pear. Maybe you can create a pie combination that no one has ever made before! Heads up, peanut butter is two beats.


Check out the instruments of the orchestra using the link below.

Choose two instruments and compare and contrast them using a Venn diagram. Is there anything that makes them the same? What makes them different? Draw a picture of your favorite instruments, or make an instrument out of things you can find around the house at home!

You can answer the Listening activity questions HERE.

Answer the Creating activity questions HERE.

You can share your exploring activity Venn diagram and pictures by emailing Mr. Murphy a picture!

4/6/20 - 4/19/20 Activities:


Listen to your favorite song/artist. Then use these questions as a guide as you listen and write down your descriptions:

What is the style of the song (rock, pop, country, jazz, etc.)?

When was the song written/released?

What instruments do you hear?

Describe the tempo (the speed of the music).

Describe the dynamics (the loudness or softness of the music).

What is the mood of the song? What is the song about?

Why do you like this song?


Create a quarantine playlist of your favorite songs to listen to while stuck at home. You could also just write a list of your favorite songs to listen to while stuck at home.


Listening with Carnegie Hall: Listening Adventures

You can answer the Listening activity questions HERE.

Answer the Creating activity questions HERE.

Answer the Exploring activity questions HERE.