Can my student register for one than one club?

Yes, you student can register for multiple clubs, but will only allowed to attend one. Make you 3 choices and we will try to accommodate your request.

How will I know my student is registered for the class and not on the waitlist?

Once you register your student, complete the permission slip, and your payment has been received, you will receive a confirmation email from the instructor. If a club has met the max number of students, your student will be placed on a waitlist.

My student is interested in a club and the Girls Infinite Run program, How do I register?

Register your student now for the After School Program. Complete the permission slip and payment. The Girls Infinite Run (GIR) Program has a separate permission slip that will be distributed to only fifth grade girls. You may return the permission slip and will receive confirmation from the GIR coordinators.

My student attends EDP, can they attend a club then go to EDP?

Yes, this information needs to be communicated ahead of time to EDP, and your child will be escorted to the EDP program at 3:15 pm.

Who do I make the check out to?

These clubs are being sponsored by the Mill Pond Parent Group, please make your checks out to MPPG or the Mill Pond Parent Group.