Our Team

Mr. Notice

Mr. Notice is the Computer Support Technician at Gibbons Middle School, who is responsible for most technology at the school. He is familiar in troubleshooting software, hardware, and networking. Outside of RTS he is building PCs, being an avid gamer and on the gridiron coaching High School Football.

Henry Seeley

Henry is a 7th grade student on the red team, He enjoys complicated fixed on everyday missionary and how to fix minor computer problems. Outside of school he enjoys various things including Boy Scouts and ultimate frisbee 

Liam Curran

Liam Curran 8th grade on the purple team. I enjoy playing video games on the nintendo switch and I also enjoy technology cool and interesting. I like to hang out and chill with my friends 

Snehanshu Srijan Dasgupta

Srijan is a 7th grader on Maroon Team. He knows basic Python and JavaScript.

Nolan Grant

Nolan Grant is a 7th grader on the Red Team. In his spare time, he enjoys running his modal train and if he can, ride and watch trains.