Free Choice

Grades 3-4-5

ABCYa - grade level - strategy or skill games

Google Doodles ex: Baseball

Tech Skills: Docs Google Drive: Docs, Slides, Sheets.

Photo Editors & Drawing Apps

1. Sketchpad 2. Pixlr (upload a pic ;-) 3. Word Clouds - Word Art

Use Docs and Enchanted Learning Make a Rebus Rhyme (a story or puzzle in which words are represented by pictures - see example below)

Discovery Education Creation Tools:

  1. Word Search 2. Crossword 3. Cryptogram

Create Search and Finds or Doodles

  1. Use Sketchpad to create Search and Find (at least 50 objects)

  2. Search the Google Doodles Archive for inspiration then use paper or Use Sketchpad to create your own Doodle for Google

Reading: TrueFlix via Power Library


Strategy & Logic Games from ABCya!

  1. Math Playground - Pizza Pandas

  2. Animal Lines

  3. Brain Trainer

  4. Cats Around Europe ABCYa - Physics based

  5. Civiballs

  6. Bridge Hopper

  7. Factory Balls 1 or Factory Balls 2 or Factory Balls 3

  8. Make a Treehouse

  9. Red Warrior

  10. Rotate & Roll

  11. Sugar Sugar

  12. Wheely 7 (very difficult)

Art/Assessment/Whiteboard/Reflection: write/draw what you learned today

  1. Digitial Art

  2. Kahoot