Civil War Era

 The 1860 election was so divisive that when Abraham Lincoln won,  7 southern states broke away and created the Confederacy.   Keep in mind, states broke away even before Lincoln became president, leaving President Buchanan with a mess on his hands.   Civil War was imminent. 

9. Prelude to the Civil War?

Skill:  1.1 - Evaluate historical outcomes in context

Skill:  1.4- Evaluate the importance of people's actions in shaping outcomes

You will be using this document to formulate the Performance Task at the end of the Module.  Go through each question carefully, asking yourself how the North and the South would feel about each situation and how each situation built up tensions that became the Civil War.

Prelude to the Civil War Mini Assignments

10. Performance Task 1.4  - Evaluate the importance of people's actions in shaping outcomes.   Who has the power?  

SS 1.4 - Evaluate the importance of people's actions in shaping outcomes

In the Pre-Civil War era, there were many groups that wanted to end slavery.  They were known as abolitionists - they wanted to abolish slavery.  

From the abolitionist point of view, who had the power to keep slavery in practice and who had the power to change the law?  

Use the links to read for information and fill out the grid below.    If you decide to print out this assignment, please take a picture of your completed work and link into Slate.  

Competency 2.2

11. Effects of the Civil War

Effects of The Civil War Mini-Assignments

12.  Was John Wilkes Booth Successful?  

Was John Wilkes Booth Successful?

13. Performance Task 4.2- The Environmental Impact of the Civil War

      SS 4.2 - Evaluate the impacts of human activity on environmental systems

Read the article:

On a Googledoc, write three brief paragraphs.

The first needs to address why the North and South went to war.  

The next paragraph needs to talk about how this conflict affected the environment.  Give specific examples. 

What has been the long-lasting effect of these battlefields regarding the environment according to this article?  

Complete the assignment and link into Slate.  

Learning Activity #11 - The Environmental Impact of the Civil War

14. Performance Task 1.2 and 1.5 - The Civil War

1.2 - Analyze multiple perspectives

1.4 - Evaluate the importance of people's actions in shaping outcomes

Now that you have learned about the factors that led to the Civil War and the effects of the Civil War on America, create a presentation that you will present to the class about the Civil War. USE YOUR CLASSROOM PACKETS FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT!  IF YOU GOOGLE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF THE CIVIL WAR, You will have to REDO the assignment using the documents provided in class.  

 The first section of the presentation needs to discuss four factors leading to the War.  Each slide will need a picture and a brief explanation of each factor.  Then, you need to address the perspective of both the North and the South regarding each factor and how it led to bad feelings between the two sides.    Explain biases/special interestes of each side that influenced their perpsectives.   

The second section of the presentation needs to discuss four effects of the Civil War.  Once again, each slide needs a picture and an explanation.  Make sure you go in depth about how the effects affected Americans.  For this section, use the Effects packet as well as the information you gained from learning about the environmental effects of the Civil War.   

The third section needs to address the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.  On this section, address Booth's viewpoint about Lincoln and why he thought that he would become a hero for killing Lincoln.  What was Booth's plan, and what were the results?

To earn this competency, the information must come from you, not from you reading the slide.  

Since you are already doing a presentation, you might consider doing this to complete a speech assignment as well.  Let me know and I will show you the speech rubric.  

Civil War PT outline

15. Engaging as a Citizen - ONLY COMPLETE IF YOU DID NOT COMPLETE in History 10A.  See teacher to double check. 

Use the  rubric to make sure you have covered all the points at the rating you want to earn.  


2.1 and 2.4 - Participate in the Community