Revolutionary Era

Hi Students!  This module is all about building and improving on the following skills:

I can apply historical literacy to demonstrate knowledge of major eras, enduring themes, turning points, and historic influences by analyzing the causes and effects of events and developments in the modern world. 

At the time of the French and Indian War, the colonies were not united by a central government. As the British Parliament began imposing taxes on the colonies, Benjamin Franklin encouraged the colonies to unite to fight British oppression. The propaganda above shows how the separation of the colonies could lead to their demise. 

French and Indian War 

As European countries began expanding their influence through America, a conflict arose between British and the French over control of the Ohio River Valley.  On the map, you will see the blue and red striped areas.  Those areas were claimed by both the French and the British. The Conflict begins west of Virginia and Pennsylvania when a young George Washington is sent to throw out the French from the region. Since the Indians were allied with the French, the British called this skirmish the French and Indian war. The high cost of protecting the colonies from the French led the British government to impose taxes on the colonists.   This caused anger on the part of the colonists who did not want to pay taxes because of their lack of representation in the British Parliament.  

7.  Performance Task 1.2 - Analyze multiple perspectives. 

1.2 - Analyze multiple perspectives

Now that Britain has a very large debt, they try to raise revenue by raising taxes.  As we all know, it did not go over well.   Your assignment is to read over both sides of the story and analyze why perspectives were the way they were. 

Read the article below explaining the differing perspectives between the Colonies and Great Britian and identify their POV.  

Yorktown Chronicles

8. Performance Task 1.4 - Evaluate the importance of people's actions in shaping outcomes.

I can identify important individuals/groups in the context of an important historical event.

I can use details to explain how and why each individual/group was important in shaping the event. 

I can make reasoned connections between their actions and the outcome.

Performance Task 1.4 - Importance of People's Actions

9.  Events leading up to the Revolutionary War and Its Effects

This packet will help you get the infomation you will need to write the final Performance Task for this course.   

Revolutionary War Performance Task 2020

10. Performance Task 1.3 - Analyze historical sources.    The Use of Propaganda in the Revolutionary War

1.3.   Analyze historical sources

I can identify and purpose, perspective, and intended audience of primary source documents.   

You will analyze the engraving created by Paul Revere about the Boston Massacre.   Look closely at the details and answer the questions.   

Submit in Slate.

Analyze Paul Revere's Engraving

11:  The Declaration of Independence

1.3. -Analyzing historical sources

Using the transcript of the Declaration of Independence, make a copy of the assignment and answer the questions of how Jefferson structured this document.  

The Declaration of Independence: A Transcription
The Declaration of Independence

Learning Activity 8A - Declaration of Independence ( In modern language)

The Declaration of Independence (in modern language)

12:  Effects of the Revolutionary War

This activity will help prepare you for the Performance Task 1.1 and 1.5 Essay

Learning Activity #11 - Effects of the Revolutionary War

13. Performance Task 1.1 and 1.5 - The Revolutionary War Essay

You are going to write a 5 paragraph essay based on the assignments you completed in the Colonial America course.    Many students feel overwhelmed at this point, but all you are doing is explaining what you have already completed.   Follow the guidelines step by step and you will do fine.   Please get help, if needed.   

So - Now, how to organize your thoughts for this essay?

Lots of students have a hard time getting their thoughts organized and instead of asking for help, they copy and paste from others.  Don't fall into that trap!   Let me help you.  Once you learn how to structure your writing, you will never need to cheat.  Let's go step by step.  Don't be overwhelmed.  Just one step at a time.  Ignore everything else for a minute. 

1.  Open a Google Doc

2.  Put your name and class information in the upper left hand of your paper.  Use the poster in the classroom to show you what info you need for your MLA heading.  Double space.  Your whole essay will need to be double spaced.   Just don't put extra space between paragraphs. 

3.  Make up a title for your paper.  Ideas can range from "Why Did We Fight the Revolutionary War?" to the exciting "Performance Task."

4.  Now, the introduction.  Indent each paragraph.  Your introduction needs to address the original problem between the British government and the colonies.  Reread the first page of your packet to refresh your memory.   Then, address the perspectives of each side.  Why did the British feel the way they did and why did the Colonists feel the way they did?  (Review PT 1.2, if needed).  Finally, end this paragraph with a thesis:  What is the point of your paper?  Well, the instructions on the first page of the packet say that you need to write about how British policies led to the Colonies breaking away.  So, use that as your thesis that British policies led to the Colonies breaking away. 

5.  Now that you have said that British policies are forcing the Colonies to break away, look through the packet and find 3 ACTS that the British government put on the Colonies.  These three acts are going to be the three body paragraphs of your paper.  Indent each paragraph. 

6.  Each paragraph needs to explain the following:  what each ACT was, and how the Colonists responded.  You can address the documents in the paper if you wish. Now, this is your first official essay for the class.  Don't worry too much about paragraph length, just worry about putting things into your own words. 

7. After you talk about the three ACTS, it is time for a conclusion.  You will once again talk about how the British and the Colonies had a conflict and how the British just kept passing Acts that the Colonists did not like and so they broke away.  Explain the effects of the Revolutionary War.  

Be sure to ask for help in any stage of the writing process.  It can take a while to feel confident about writing. 

14 - How Did We Win? 

America was the underdog in this battle.   Great Britain had a huge empire at this time and the American colonies, were poor and not unified under a central government.   How did America begin the era of modern revolutions?  

Learning Activity #11 - How did we win?

15. Performance Task 2.1 and 2.4 - Engaging as a Citizen/ Take Action

There is a rubric below you can follow for your essay.   Essay needs to be about a page long.  Add citations from outside sources and a works cited page as well.  

2.1 and 2.4 - Participate in the Community