
Our research is at the interface between the waves and particles. Our lab is interested in exotic transport in classical and quantum systems.

Among the classical systems, from a theoretical point of view, we are interested in photonic systems with special symmetries or topological properties. The ultimate goal in such systems is to achieve functionalities that are considered not possible via conventional and traditional methods. Among the structures that we study are coupled waveguides, coupled cavities and laser systems. From an experimental point of view, we are interested to test our ideas in acoustic airborne meta-structurs. Currently, our lab is fabricating acoustic metamaterials and taking the measurement in a home-made anechoic chamber.

In the quantum domain, we are more interested in optomechanics couple cavities (light-matter interaction at the quantum level) and harvesting zero-energy from the vacuum.

If you are a hardworking student interested in theoretical photonics, experimental acoustics, or quantum optics/optomechanics feel free to contact us. Our team is a dynamic and productive team with big dreams!