Liz Woolford

Director & Playwright

Liz is a senior Theater, Government & Environmental Studies student from Arlington, Virginia. She is deeply committed to arts education, collaborative-storytelling, and ecological wonder. Liz loves trains, cool rocks, and has a bad habit of singing her inner monologue. She is ‘sploding with gratitude for the friends, family, forum-goers, teachers and team-members who made this project possible.

Michayla Robertson-Pine (she/her)

Director & Playwright

Michayla is a (sort of) senior studying Theater and Education. She is from Amherst, MA which is just around the bend from the former town of Enfield, now the Quabbin Reservoir. Michayla is constantly astounded by the dedication and creativity of everyone who touched this project. She is so grateful for the dazzling minds of the designers, the chustpa of the actors, and the devotion of everyone who said yes to this piece when it was just a tiny seed.

Camille Gomberoff (she/they)

Stage Manager

Camille is a sophomore who is shamefully succumbing to the allure of the American Studies major even though they’re Canadian. They love hot carbs, cold weather and ghost stories, and they’re so thrilled to be helping to tell one in Party at the Edge. Camille would like to thank the wonderful directors, Liz and Michayla, for allowing them to take part in this joyful show, and for featuring so many of Camille’s favourite things in it: worms, friendship, and hope for a safe future on Earth.

Malaika Fernandes

Stage Manager

Malaika is a junior from Mumbai, India, currently majoring in Theater and Economics. When she’s not hanging with the Party team and writing rehearsal reports at the College of the Environment, you can find her working at the Writing Workshop, organizing something fun for the student group Writing Circle, or eating something at Usdan even though she promised herself she’d finally learn how to cook.

Dylan Shumway

Dylan is a recent Wesleyan alum from Corvallis, Oregon who studied a mix of Music, Neuroscience, and IDEAS. He finds rest in listening to the wind and drinking a warm cup of tea. He is honored to be folded back into the theater process, and to help the audience fall deep into the Party’s world.

Audrey Mills


Audrey is a junior Film major from Houston, Texas who likes to make up songs and also sometimes release them. She enjoys taking really long scorching hot showers and feels environmentally guilty about that, so Party has been a cathartic way for her to explore those complex and riveting emotions. (And, she does love working on the show with all of these awesome people...)

Lex Bryan

Visual Design Set Lead

Lex is a junior from Versoix, Switzerland studying Art Studio & Environmental Stuff. They find peace in hammocks and amongst snails. They have fallen completely in love with the world of Party, and are so grateful to have had a hand in shaping it.

Amaal Ladha

Visual Design Lights Lead

Amaal is mostly a junior majoring in English and Dance. They love to tinker with lights, sing to themselves all the time, and will fall in love with any dog they meet. Also, without Lex, Amaal would probably still be sitting in their room playing with flashlights and headlamps and all of Party would be in the dark!

Annie Kidwell

Annie is a senior from Louisville, Kentucky studying Dance and Art History. She is forever barefoot until it gets too cold, and happiest with her nose in a book. She is grateful beyond words for this incredible journey into the Party with these lovely folx.

Lonnie Miller

ostume Design

Lonnie is a first-year student from Boston, Massachusetts. She is excited to be designing a show that combines her passion for funky patterned couches, non-linear storytelling, and overcomplicated PowerPoints. Outside of costuming, Lonnie has a possibly unhealthy obsession with historical clothing and musical theater. In other words, she's a huge nerd who is honored to be working with so many other wonderful nerds to bring this production to life.

Alix Livermore

Actor: Grandma/Shirley/Ghost

Alix is a sophomore, transfer student from Marblehead, Massachusetts. She is currently confused about her major but is interested in theater, film, biology, and environmental studies. She spent most of the pandemic working at a bakery and is very proud of her ability to write on baked goods. Alix is also very excited to be a part of this show and play a convincing grandma.

Drew Weddig

Actor: Kid

Drew is a sophomore from Erie, Colorado who went full Wesleyan as a prospective math and theatre major. At any odd moment, he can be found doing all sorts of logic puzzles, brewing tea, or cooking, all the while singing along to the album he’s in the mood for. Some other fun facts about him: he’s the friend group’s patented Simpsons Encyclopedia, Tetris Grandmaster, and Cat Dad. He is sorry his cat Poppin can’t see the show but thanks her (and his family) for withstanding years and years of his relentless singing.

Emma Dhanda

Emma is a sophomore and prospective Psychology major/Film minor from Cambridge, Massachusetts. She’s a passionate writer of horror stories and makes a mean cup of tea. They also practice witchcraft, and will undoubtedly talk your ear off about it if that door is opened. Her favorite kind of party is a tea party, and they wouldn’t be opposed to ending such a shindig with a séance.

Henry Owens
Actor: Dad/Martin/Ghost

Henry is a first-year student from New York City who is considering majoring in Theatre, Film, and/or Psychology. He started acting as a child when he discovered iMovie, later transitioning to the stage, and reverting back to making videos alone during the pandemic. He is thrilled to once again perform in front of a live audience, particularly with this wonderful cast. When he’s not being a crazy theatre kid, Henry might be found hiking, singing with the Mazel Tones, or baking banana bread.

Sabrina Ladiwala

Sabrina is a sophomore from Sudbury, Massachusetts, majoring in MB&B and the Science in Society Program...or maybe something else but we’ll see. She’s been on stage since she was three years old and has been in shows like Pride and Prejudice, 1001 Nights and Into the Woods. In addition to her love of performing, Sabrina enjoys spending time with the cast, writing for the Argus, cracking the code to understanding Organic Chemistry and jamming out to musical theater songs in her room. She’s so excited to share this story with you and is grateful to be telling it with such a wonderful cast and crew.

Sof Cohen

Sof is a junior majoring in philosophy and CSS from Los Angeles, California. They have been acting in musical theater since they were seven years old, and they are so excited that Liz and Michayla are giving them another opportunity to be a part of one of their incredible projects. Outside of acting, you can find them playing their viola in a chamber group, singing in Onomatopoeia, or considering the unfathomable enormity of existence.

Special Thanks:

The ecology that surrounds this play looks like a web of all of our favorite people. Your lives and teachings and companionship live in this project as they live in us. Thank you for your gifts. - Liz & Michayla


The Gahres/Woolford's & Robertson/Pine's


Nathan Baron-Silvern

Ray McCann

We Make Noises & Wits End Manor

The students of "Ecological Disasters: Investigation Through Performance"


Katie Pearl

Eiko Otake

Katja Kolcio

Michelle Memran

Danielle Vogel

Tom Pearson

Carol Cadby

John Bechtold

Wise women:

Rachel Carson

Maria Irene Fornés

Robin Wall Kimmerer

Lisa D'Amour


Rani Arbo

Laurie Kenney

Mary Paul

Courtney Gaston

Marcela Oteiza

Fiona Coffey

The CFA staff

The Wesleyan College of the Environment