About Our Classroom

Student Expectations

Classroom Rules: No one has the right to interfere with the learning, safety, and well-being of others.

o Be respectful

o Be responsible

o Be ready to learn

Come to class prepared to learn every day. This includes but is not limited to having the following every day:

o A pencil (all work must be done in pencil)

o Homework

o Math Notebook

*Clear water bottles are permitted in class as long as they contain only water.

*Gum and all other food items are not allowed in class.

*Please make sure you are following the dress code and all other guidelines found in the student handbook.

About the Class

This class is designed to help students work on problem solving skills through problem-centered investigations and inquiry-based instruction. Students will work on solving complex mathematical questions while persevering in their investigations, looking for patterns, clearly communicating ideas and strategies, and critiquing each other’s work. We will focus on ratios and proportional relationships, the number system, expressions and equations, geometry, statistics and probability, and mathematical practices.


Grades are based on in class assignments, homework, and assessments. Assessments count for a higher percentage of the grade. It is important that students do homework assignment and turn them in on time because homework provides the extra practice needed to strengthen the skills learned in class. Students will be expected to write down the day’s agenda, every day, whether they have homework or not, as a record of what was covered that day. The fee for late work is 10% off, per day, of what you would have earned on that particular assignment. If you are absent, you have 1 day for each day you were absent to make up the assignment. You must label your paper as “absent” if you were absent. Tests can be corrected for a higher grade as long as they are turned in the next day.

Class Discipline

· 1st offense: Verbal warning

· 2nd offense: In class isolation and phone call home

· 3rd offense: Isolation in the “buddy room”, phone call home, and after school detention

· 4th offense: Office Referral

· Disrespect and misbehavior for a substitute teacher will result in an automatic after school detention and parent-teacher conference, either in person or via phone