Welcome to 4th Grade!

The 2020-2021 school year will begin online virtual learning on August 10.

All students have the option to obtain a WESD-issued Chromebook for use in virtual learning.

If your child needs a Chromebook, please contact the Sunburst Office at 602-896-6400.

If you have any further questions about distribution, please contact the Sunburst Office at 602-896-6400.

Special Announcement!

This Thursday 8/6 at 6:00pm, our Meet the Teacher links will be updated and ready for families. All parents will start their Virtual “Meet the Teacher” journey at our Sunburst Website: http://sunburst.wesdschools.org/meettheteacher

This will be a self-paced virtual experience that will share important information while navigating some of our current technologies. All grade levels and departments will be represented. There will be links embedded into the grade level google sites to help you navigate between various teachers, grade levels, and departments. Sunburst staff is committed to making our google sites a launch pad for families to stay connected during the 20-21 school year.

Welcome to Fourth Grade!!! We are so excited to see and meet each and every one of you this school year. We know that this year might look a little different than what we are used to. But we are in this together. It is going to be the best year and that is because you will all be a part of it. To meet your individual teacher. Scroll down and click on their name.

Don't Miss A Thing

Plus, we'll really miss YOU!

Just as when school is in session, attendance in our distance learning classrooms is very important. Attendance will be taken in all live sessions with teachers as well as during homeroom classes. Confirmation of attendance will also be done through completion of independent schoolwork assignments. If your student is ill and cannot attend their live distance learning classes for the day, a parent or guardian must notify the school office to excuse the absence. Students who are not in attendance in any of their live sessions for the day will be marked as an unexcused absence. If your child is having difficulties joining the live sessions due to technology or log in issues, please reach out to the teacher or school for assistance. Students who have not attended during the first ten days of distance learning beginning on August 10th will be dropped and required to re-enroll.


WESD’s opening of the 2020-2021 school year with distance learning will offer your child exiting opportunities to learn new content and skills. Giving students feedback and grades on their work is important just as when the learning takes place in person. You and your child want and need to know how they are doing. Unlike when schools closed in the spring, teachers will be grading the work your child is completing. While not every task completed will be graded, students will receive grades on assignments that demonstrate growth on essential skills and standards. Teachers will post at least one grade per subject each week. You are encouraged to contact your child’s teacher or school for your ParentVue log in so that you can monitor your child’s grades. Thank you for partnering with us in helping your child to succeed as we Return to Learn together.


Contact Us

Office: 602-896-6400