Social Studies

Above is the contact information to e-mail Mr. Day. 


Seventh Grade Social Studies                     2023 School Year               Room 716   Syllabus                                                        Mr. Day

Welcome to your seventh grade school year at Cholla Middle School. In this document, you will find classroom rules and procedures, including rewards and consequences, that will help you to make this year a success. In addition, you will also see a preview of reading and writing assignments, and projects.

Contact Information

Teacher Name: Mr. Day

Phone Number: 602-896-5480 (may take a while to return any message)(prefer e-mail). Email:

Parents and students are encouraged to review their grades, at least, on a weekly basis using Parent View. This system will allow students and parents to view class grades as well as missing assignments for all classes. Parent View login information should have been provided during registration. If the login information is displaced, the information can be requested by contacting front office personnel at 602-896-5400.

                     Mr. Day also coaches 7th grade girls basketball

Classroom Expectations

Online Expectations

Consequences (will be different in person)

1st offense- verbal warning

2nd offense- removal from virtual class for the day- after school meeting with the student

3rd offense- parent contact

Classroom Procedures (will be different in person)

Absence Procedures

View the recorded video lesson and email me if you have any questions.

Late Work

If an assignment is late, students may lose 50% of the points. After five school days, the assignment will no longer be accepted. If a major project or essay is turned in late, students will be required to call home to notify their parents that the assignment was not completed. 

** I do allow extensions when needed. However, the student must make an appointment in order to discuss the extension BEFORE the date the assignment is due.

Academic Integrity

Cheating is considered any attempt to use someone else’s work as your own. If you are found to be caught cheating, including offering your own work for others to use, you will be given a failing grade on the assignment. In addition to this, the student, parent, teacher, and an administrator may have a meeting to discuss any additional consequences which may be warranted.


Depending on when we return to in person learning, we plan to complete the following: 


We plan to develop the following skills: 

Monthly Homework Projects

Due the last Thursday of each month. Okay to turn in earlier that same week. Pick something from that month that we are studying that interests you and choose a different method below each month (2 categories will not be used). When we get back together in person how monthly homework projects are presented may change somewhat:

 1 Flat Stanley Character with hand written Essay - ½ page. We guess who you are; give clues.

 2 Interview (10 questions & answers)(2 people one of which is a historical figure).

 3 Poem (20 lines you create an original poem).

 4 Poster Board (Colorful, Drawing, Facts, Pictures, Title; make it look like the front of a magazine)

 5 Power Point (7 slides - 4 pictures 3 facts; alternate).

 6 News Flash (2 people back in time as reporters give a 2-3 minute presentation).

 7    Three-D Art (Create a 3-D Art project and tell about it for 1 minute) 

 8 Skit (3 people - social distancing - create a 2-3 minute commercial / min-play). 

 9 Song (2 people change words to a modern song into something we are studying with modern music and sing it for 2-3 minutes)

 10 Quiz (10  questions) Blooket

11 Brochure or Tri-Fold (similar to poster board)

12 “X” (Create a different category and present).

Students may (optional) choose to participate in one enrichment project which takes the place of 3 homework projects.  Go to: 

Join one only: 

Diplomacy (WWI)

Here I Stand (Reformation)

Age of Renaissance (Renaissance)

Napoleonic Wars (Napoleonic Era)

Various WWII Tournaments (World War 2)

Twilight Struggle (Cold War)

Washington's War (Revolutionary War)

Complete the application Form with $10 membership 

Once you are joined forward the e-mail from the GM of that BPA Tournament to me at  and as long as you participate and do not quit you will get credit.