Mr. Camilli

Tumbleweed Physical Education K-6

Hello Tumbleweed Tigers! My name is Brian Camilli and I teach physical education at Tumbleweed elementary.

You can reach me at

In order to stay fit during these times we still want to focus on our 4 fitness components which are muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardio endurance and flexibility. Listed below are examples of each component with the number of sets and reps aligned with grade level.

Untitled spreadsheet

Activities/Exercises to do at home

PE 3-6 Cardiorespiratory endurance week 3.pdf

PE K-2 locomotor-cross mid week 3.pdf

Week 4 PE Grade 3-6 Muscle strength.pdf

My Physical Activity Diary 7-8.pdf

Exercise workout

10 reps

1) Jumping jacks

2) Curl-ups

3) Squats

4) Toe touches

5) Lunges

6) Planks

7) Trunk twisters

8) Pushups

9) Arm circles

10) Run in place as fast as you can for 10 sec


How many sets can you do of this workout?

PE fitness quiz

1) The three fitness components discussed and that we all need to do exercises for are:

A. Stretching, muscles, cardio

B. Flexibility, muscular strength, cardio endurance

C. Running, lifting, stretching

D. All of the above

2) Which exercise would be classified under cardio endurance?

A. Running

B. Swimming

C. hiking

D. Jump roping

E. All of the above

3) Which exercise measures muscular strength?

A. Push-ups

B. jumping jacks

C. Running

D. stretching

4) If you can’t do a full push-up you should then work on this to help develop form and strength?

A. Lay down on the floor

B. Plank

C. Pull-ups

D. Weight lifting

5) Cardio endurance is defined as?

A. How strong you are

B. How fast you are running

C. How long you can do an exercise without stopping

D. lifting something

Answer Key

1) B, 2) E, 3) A, 4) B, 5) C


Cardio Endurance: How long you can exercise for without stopping where your heat rate raises.

Muscular strength: Any exercise where it requires a push or pull action by your arms and legs.

Flexibility: Performing a stretch for any of your major muscle groups