Want to Join AVID?

7th and 8th Graders interested in AVID can get an application either online or from the office, Ms. Cabbage or Mr. Ochoa. Once completed, please return back to the office. Interviews will happen once every quarter.

What can students do to prepare for AVID?

Read, read, read

Establish an environment at home that encourages reading. Students can start adding to their vocabulary by reading diversely. Middle school students should be reading all types of books, articles, blogs and news articles. Reading various types of literature increases student vocabulary which is a important component in essay writing.

Partner with your child’s educators

Middle school is the time parents tend to be less involved, but it's the very time your child needs encouragement and guidance. Make sure your parents meet your teachers. Talk to the counselor about your interests to see if there are electives and extracurricular activities that will help you develop your talents. If you need extra help or more challenging assignments in a subject, talk to the counselor about how to arrange it.


A key component of the college application is extracurriculars. Colleges look at the entire student which includes activities outside the classroom. Try out some volunteering, connect with a mentor for an internship, and explore hobbies and interests. If students enter high school committed to being a part of extracurriculars, student will be more marketable towards colleges.