Welcome to Wren Class

Welcome to Wren Class

This is where we will share all of our exciting learning experiences and where you can find out any important information.

We will also update you with key dates and events through these pages.

Upcoming dates for your diary:

Weds 5th June - Chew Valley Farm trip

Welcome to Term 6

Term 6 Week 4

Term 6 Week 2

Now that you have all been informed I would like to say that I am very excited and feel very lucky to get to teach this class again next year.

Term 6 Week 1

Thank you to all who have sent back their home school books, to share what you did over half term.

Chew Valley Animal Park

Welcome to Term 5

Term 5 Week 5 and 6

Have a wonderful break. Please have a look at your home school folders and we look forward to the children sharing some of their activities with us when we return for Term 6..... How is it term 6 already?!

Term 5 Week 3 and 4

The sun has got his hat on, hip hip hip hooray!

Term 5 Week 2

Selfie Station!

The children are able to take photographs of work and activities that they are proud of using our ipad. We will share these every week

Term 5 Week 1

Selfie Station!

The children are able to take photographs of work and activities that they are proud of using our ipad. We will share these every week

Welcome to Term 4

Term 4 Week 6

Have a lovely break and we will see you after the holidays.

Term 4 Week 4 and 5

World Book Day

We loved celebrating World Book Day, we had some fabulous adjective costumes, listened to one of Mrs Blackmore's favourite stories, performed a poem and created bookmarks. Thank you to anyone who came into our book sharing session.

Scan the QR code to see our poem!

Term 4 Week 3

Term 4 Week 2

Term 4 Week 1

Welcome to Term 3

Term 3 Week 6

Have a wonderful half term break and we will see you on the 19th February

Term 3 Week 5

Term 3 Week 4

Term 3 Week 3

Term 3 Week 2

Term 3 Week 1

What a great two days back at school.

How have we only been back for two days?!

Welcome to Term 2

Christmas Cards

The children in Wren class have drawn some robins for a Christmas card. They followed a careful tutorial and have done a great job.

We hope you have a wonderful Christmas, thank you for our cards and gifts.

Merry Christmas

Term 2 Week 7

We have had a festive week at school. Shows, visits and Christmas dinner!

Term 2 Week 6

We have continued our topic about light and dark this week.

Term 2 Week 5

We have continued our topic about light and dark this week.

Term 2 Week 4

We have continued our topic about light and dark with the story of The Owl Babies.

Term 2 Week 3

We have continued our topic about light and dark with the story of Oliver's Wood. We have learned all about nocturnal and diurnal animals.

Our Trip to Root Connections

On Wednesday we visited Root Connections. We all hopped on the mini bus and Mrs Blackmore drove us. We continued our learning about Diwali at the farm. David read us the story of Rama and Sita, and then Cathy showed us how to use things found on the farm to make a rangoli pattern. We then went on a hunt through the gardens and fields for things we could use in our own rangoli patterns. After making our patterns, we worked in two groups. David helped us to make diva lamps from clay and Cathy showed us how to make barfi, an Indian sweet. She cooked it over the campfire, and we decorated it with edible flowers that we had picked ourselves. Such a lovely day out! 

Term 2 Week 2

We have continued our topic about light and dark by learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali this week.

Term 2 Week 1

We started this week as we mean to go on, busy, singing, dancing and laughing a lot. Our class has been full of joy.

Term 1 Week 7

Wow! we have come to the end of term 1 and what a fantastic term it has been. The children in Wren Class have made so much progress, they know all of our routines and rules and have shown how grown up and fun they are.

Enjoy having a look at the last photos from Term 1

Term 1 Week 6

This week we have been learning about the seasonal changes that happen in Autumn. 

Term 1 Week 5

This week we have been learning about the seasonal changes that happen in Autumn. 

Term 1 Week 4

This week we have continued learning about Harvest. 

Term 1 Week 3

This week we have begun learning about Harvest. Our drawing club tale was The Little Red Hen, which we acted out.


Term 1 Week 2

This week we really got into the swing of reception.

Drawing Club

In Drawing club we draw and use mark making to talk about what happens.

Our Book this week has been Not Now Bernard by David McKee

Monday - We drew our own Monsters and wrote code words to make things happen to the monsters.

Tuesday - We drew Bernard's house.

Wednesday - We drew what the monster could eat to get the taste of Bernard out of his mouth.

Thursday - We drew where the monster had come from.

Friday - We drew what Bernards mum and dad could do to get rid of the monster.

Term 1 Week 1

We have had a lovely start to the year in Wren Class and the children have settled in well. Have a look through our photo gallery below to see some of the pictures of us working hard and exploring the environment.

Check back next week for more photos and updates

Mrs Blackmore