Welcome to Nightingale Class


Welcome to Nightingale Class web page. This site will show some of the lovely things that the children will be doing over the year. Please log in regularly to see what we have been doing. 

Friday 28th June 2024

We have been looking at position and direction in Maths this last week and we had great fun guiding our friends around a grid moving forwards, backwards, quarter turn clockwise and a quarter turn anti-clockwise.

Here is what we are learning about in term 6 in Nightingale Class

Friday 17th May 2024

Thank you for coming to Sports Day. We had a great time. Well done, Old Mills for winning.

Year 2 Sports Day 2024

What a busy week we've had! We had a fantastic time going to Root Connections. The children went on a lovely walk through the woods searching for habitats. We gathered some things from the wood and then took them back to the outdoor classroom where we made animals from clay. The children then had a go at making their own habitats using the things that they had picked up. They had a lovely time. We have also been to the library, where the children chose a new book to take back to the classroom. Fantastic times! 

Y2 Root Connections 8.5.24

Nightingale Strip to the S.S. Great Britain

We had a fantastic time at the S.S. Great Britain on Wednesday. The children really enjoyed the trip and had great fun discovering Brunel's marvellous inventions. Here are some photos of the trip:

SSGB photos for website
SSGB2 photos for website

Thursday 21st March 2024

Another fantastic library trip today...

Have a look at our 'Learning in Year 2' page to see what we are doing in Term 4.

Monday 11th March 2024

This week was our STEM week and for our class challenge, the children had to make a marble run that would run a marble in the slowest time possible. The children had to think about angles of slopes and the best way to guide the marble down to make the slowest run. It was really tricky, but great fun. The children were totally absorbed in the lesson all afternoon.

Thursday 7th March 2024

We had great fun on World Book Day.

Monday 26th February 2024

Welcome to Miss Munday!

We just wanted to say 'welcome' to Miss Munday who is our new Bath Spa Teacher. She will be with Nightingale Class until the summer. Please come and introduce yourselves. 

Friday 26th January 2024

All of our lovely Geography week work is on display in the hall. It looks amazing. I am so proud of you, Nightingale Class. Come on in and have a look!

Thursday 26th January 2024

We have been looking at the wonderful country of Iceland in our Geography week. The children learned all about the country and found out some amazing facts about Iceland. Ask them and see what they remember. We also had a go at creating our own aurora borealis, the Northern Lights. The children rose to this challenge and created some absolutely stunning pictures. Here they are...

Thursday 25th January 2024

As a part of our Geography and Eco week, we have been looking at the importance of recycling and keeping our environment tidy. We had a go at doing some litter picking. Naughty Mr Munro decided to litter the playground! Luckily, the children were there to help tidy up the mess. They had great fun!

Wednesday 25th January 2024

We are looking at the Great Fire of  London and this week, we are planning our newspaper reports. The children identified the different aspects of a newspaper (headline, headings, pictures, captions, columns and eye-witness reports). They had fun cutting up newspapers, trying to find these elements.

Friday 19th January 2024

We have been having fun reminding ourselves about colour mixing and which Primary colours make which Secondary colours.

Tuesday 19th December 2023

Well, the end of another term. Well done to all of Nightingale Class for the hard work you have done and well done to you parents too. Thank you for my gift, it was most generous! Wine and books are my two most favourite things in the world!

Have a great Christmas and a happy New Year!

Friday 8th December 2023

We have had great fun in our DT lesson this week. We made a moving monster out of card and split pins. The children learned about pivots, linkages and levers. 

Thursday 7th December 2023

Another successful trip to the Library where we had some lovely Christmas stories read to us before we chose some more books. We also spotted our stained glass windows around the high street!

Friday 17th November 2023

Art and Maths Week

We have had such fun in our Maths and Art week. We have been looking at lines of symmetry and origami. We had a go at making origami cicadas, finger puppets and aeroplanne gliders. We learned that we need to have good lines of symmetry for our origami to work well. 

Tuesday 10th October 2023

Come into Class session

What a fantastic turnout we've had for our Nightingale Come into Class sessions this afternoon! The children loved showing their grown ups the work that they have been doing since coming into Nightingale Class. 

Thank you to all who could attend. It was lovely to see you. 

Thursday 5th October 2023

Library trip and Yoga... in one day!!!!

What a busy day we've had in Nightingale Class! First, we went to the Library and had great fun listening to some stories and then we got to choose our own book to take back to the classroom. Straight after that, we had a fun and relaxing yoga session. The children listened really well and we played some really exciting games. 

Tuesday 3rd October 2023

In our science today, we had fun engaging in scientific inquiry. Here, we asked the question: Do older children have bigger heads than younger ones? 

We had a go at predicting what our findings might prove and then we conducted an experiment. We took a child from EYFS, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6 and then measured their heads. Here was our conclusion!

Perfect Picasso Portraits!

We have finished our amazing Picasso self-portraits. They look absolutely amazing. Well done, Nightingale Class!

Friday 29th September 2023

We had great fun with our Taekwondo session. The children really enjoyed learning about the moves. They did really well.  

Thursday 28th September 2023

Our Cauliflower cards are finished. The children listened really well to the instructions and produced some beautiful cards!

Wednesday 27th September 2023

It has been a busy day! we have had great fun in our music lesson today. We had a go at playing tunes with the xylophones. It was noisy and fun.

Thursday 21st September 2023

We have been super writers this week. We have been looking at the story of George and the Dragon. The children have been finding out about writing narratives and how they have a beginning, middle and end. They have been rewriting the story of George and the Dragon. On Tuesday, they wrote the beginning... Wednesday, they wrote the middle and today they are writing the end. They have all worked REALLY hard and have written a lot of words. I am really pleased with them.

14th September 2023

Fairies and pixies in PE

We have been learning about team work in our PE sessions on Thursday. Today we played a story game in an enchanted wood where the fairies and pixies had to weave a fairy ring around their circle. They then had to use the fairy rings to try to move across the forest floor. They worked really well as a team and thought hard about how to best work as an effective team. 

Here are some of the things that we are going to be learning this term:

Nightingale Class Term 2 Topic Web .docx
What we are learning In Nightingale Class in Term 1.docx

  Come into Class session

Just to let you know that Nightingale Class are having a 'Come into Class' session on Tuesday 10th October 2023 from 2.30-3.00. Please come in and see what your children have been doing. 

 Insert year group photo below