Weekly Newsletter


Be Safe - Be Kind - Be Your Best

 Key Dates

Football match vs Clutton - Wednesday 31st Jan

Safer Internet Day 2024 - Tuesday 6th Feb

Children's Mental Health Week - Mon 5th - Friday 9th Feb

Wellbeing Wednesday - Wednesday 7th Feb

School Disco - Thursday 8th Feb (info to follow)

PTFA AGM - Wednesday 21st February

Rags2Riches collection - Wednesday 28th February

Value of week: Responsibility

Message from Mr Lyle

Responsibility has been on the lips of everyone this week. Our focus this week has been looking at Geography and Eco Week, discovering lots of new learning about the world around us and the importance of being global citizens. 

Children have been busy sharing new knowledge and spending time around our local area to discover what geographical features are around us. 

In assemblies, this week, we discussed our responsibility to ensure the world aims to be a peaceful place and our duty to support this movement: looking at Holocaust Memorial Day and sustainability. We talked about how the world is changing and we must change our lifestyles to ensure that it remains a fantastic place to live in the future. It was really interesting looking at famous geographers and climate activists and how they have had such a pivotal role in society today.

Not only have our children been busy learning in school, I would like to take time to say how proud I am of most of our children for how they act and behave outside of school.

On several occasions, we have had people stopping us whilst at running club to say how impressed they are by our children's manners, we have also been praised by external teachers about the politeness of our children and, more recently, had emails from members of the public praising them. 

Good morning,

"I was out in Midsomer Norton high street a week or so ago and a class from your school was out walking with a book in each of their hands. I stopped to let them all by and I was very impressed with the childrens manners towards me. Many of the children took the time to say Thankyou and such to me as they passed by. They are a credit to themselves and to the school.

Many thanks

Sophie "

We are so proud of our children and what shining beacon's they continue to be for our school demonstrating one of our core values of responsibility.  

Have a lovely weekend. :)

Amazon Wish list - Nurture Room

It has been the first week of using The Snug in school. Many thanks to those who have already donated or purchased items from the wishlist. This really helps us create a fabulous calming space for our children.

Please take a look at our Amazon Wishlist and, if you can, help us fill it with wonderful things. This is a working list and will be updated regularly. If you feel you could help us to purchase any of these things, we would be extremely grateful. 


Thank you


Attendance at Welton

Many thanks to everyone for trying to get in to school on time this week. We know that the traffic has been an issue for many. Interestingly, we have had fewer lates this week due to people setting off a little earlier. Let's keep this up as we move into February. 

Last week we discussed how registers are open until 8:55. This is correct however class does start at 8:45, so if you are in for 8:55 each day, you are missing 50 minutes of learning each week. 

Please try your best to be in school for 8:45 as many Teachers and Teaching Assistants use this time to hear readers, practise phonics and go over learning from the day before. 

Thank you for your continued support with this.

Eco and Geography Week 2024

Geography Week

This week we have all spent additional time looking at the World around us. Every class in the  school have chosen a country to focus on, outside of our usual year group coverage, and have looked st the physical and human features of that country. Some of the activities  have included making and tasting  traditional food, learning some key vocabulary and phrases and researching famous landmarks and individuals. We have also learnt more about the geography of our locality and have undertaken fieldwork which we have really enjoyed despite the weather.

Eco Week at Welton 

This week Welton children have been learning more about 'Eco' issues with a special focus on litter and recycling. It was great to see how knowledgeable pupils already were about this very important issue and how enthusiastic they were to learn more. Pupils had a fun and informative time sorting recycling of their own and especially loved using litter grabbers. 

It was really great to hear the children apply their scientific knowledge of material properties to predict how recycling could be further sorted after collection. It was also interesting to challenge pupils to consider which recycling box to use for items with mixed materials? What can and can't be made from recycled materials? Which items could be reused rather than recycled and how? How can we reduce waste?

Classes have also been undertaking activities such as redesigning the recycling logo to make it more eye-catching for children, using recycling to create amazing artwork and making a class paperchain (with recycled paper!) about top tips for recycling. It is great to hear that many Welton families already get involved in recycling at home.

The events this week follow on from other Eco work undertaken by our school's Eco Team who meet every week to discuss how we can make improvements around the school. For example, light switches are now colour coded so pupils know when they should be switched off, doors have posters with a reminder to shut them and we review energy use every week. As spring approaches, the Eco Team will turn its attention to the plants and wildlife in our lovely school grounds. 

Many thanks to everyone who came and viewed our exhibit today. We will be leaving this up on Monday if you would like to come and have a look around. 

FREE emotional health webinar for parents

The school nursing team are hosting a webinar for emotional health and well-being for parents who have concerns/ worries about their children's emotional health. This will take place online on Thursday 8th of February from 1pm-2pm. If you would like to attend the sessions, please click on this link to sign up: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/emotional-health-and-wellbeing-webinar-for-primary-school-aged-children-tickets-773058898977?aff=oddtdtcreator 

Can you help?

As part of our learning at Welton, we enjoy talking with the children about careers and jobs. An exciting part of this is when visitors come to school to talk about what they do. If you would like to come into school to talk with the children about your job, please let the school office know. You may like to ask your child about their topics this term to see if your job relates directly to their learning!

Meet the Governors


Well done to all of our wonderful children showing uniqueness this week!

News and Events

Doodle Maths

Class of the week

Class - Nightingale

Top Christmas Doodlers

Eagles -  Keira

Hawks -  Jack C

Kestrels - Elsie

Kingfishers -  Isaac

Nightingales - Harrison

Robins -  Bethany

Keep doodling at home. For most classes, this is part of the homework policy

Maths Challenge

MTC Challenge

This week we entered a national times table competition. Years 3,4,5 and 6 all worked tirelessly to get as many correct answers as possible. A big well done to Rocco, Kian and Ameia for getting more than 1000 correct answers each. An extra special mention for Abigail who got 2300 correct answers and ranked 14 in our league across South Wales and the West! 

The good news is...



School Disco - Thurs 8th Feb

Look out for a letter coming home next week about the school disco! We would love to see you all there!


Well done to the following classes!

Best Attendance this week:-

Wren Class

Over 96% Attendance this week:-

Hawk Class

House Point Totals

Well done to all of our Houses for their hard work this week, earning house points for being safe, being kind and for being their best!

Weekly Totals

Huish House -  444

Ludlow House - 459

Tyning House -  518

Old Mills House -  428

Running Totals for this term

Huish House -  1167

Ludlow House -  1217

Tyning House -  1343

Old Mills House - 1239

Class Pages

Take a look here for what your children are learning this term!

Community News

Contact Us

Welton Primary School

Radstock Road

Midsomer Norton



Tel: 01761 413131

Email: office@weltonprimaryschool.co.uk
