

Be Safe - Be Kind - Be Your Best

 Key Dates

Girls' Football Tournament - Monday 20th November

Cross Country Event at Downside School - Tuesday 21st November 2.30pm

Open Day for prospective families - Wednesday 22nd November

Non Uniform Day - Tombola Donation - Friday 24th November

PTFA Wreath Making - Monday 27th November -  7pm - 9pm

Christmas Fayre - Friday 1st December 5-7pm

PTFA Wreath Making - Tuesday 5th December -  7pm - 9pm

Rock Steady Concert - Thursday 7th December - 2:30pm - 3pm

Christmas Dinner and Jumper Day - Wednesday 13th December

Reception and KS1 Christmas Performance - Wednesday 13th December @ 2:00

Nursery Drop In - Wednesday 13th December

Year 3 and 4 Crafts and Carols - Thursday 14th December @ 1:30

Year 5 and 6 Crafts and Carols - Friday 15th December @ 1:30

End of Term - Tuesday 19th December

Bath Rugby Foundation Winter Activity Club at Welton - 19th-22nd December (details below)

Value of week: Collaboration

Message from Mr Lyle

It's been another busy week here at Welton which has seen us participating in several events: Maths Week and Anti Bullying Week. This has been a wonderful opportunity for us as a school to reflect what bullying is and how WE can all work together to prevent it from happening in our school. Mrs Stevens kicked the week off talking about the importance of collaboration and working together to make some noise if we feel someone is being unkind to others. This links perfectly to our school ethos.

We then spent time yesterday exploring the importance of thinking about what we say. I had shared a story with the children about how I had had a bad morning and said unkind things. Gracie and Lauren were able to show this by squirting toothpaste onto a plate each time I said something unkind. Then, I explained to the children that when I had said something unkind, I had apologised. Junior and Arthur then tried to put the toothpaste back in the tube (taking back what I said). However, we couldn't do this very well. This led us onto the discussion that, even though I had said sorry, words can be forgiven but not forgotten. Children then reflected on how we as a school can be kind to each other. This could be saying good morning with a smile, holding doors open for people, helping or even saying nothing at all. We finished the week exploring the idea of, 'If you can be anything in this world, be kind!' This is something we are proud to say all of our children strive to achieve. 

Please take time looking through our newsletter today. We know that this is an incredibly busy time for everyone with the big C coming up and we have lots of exciting things happening in the coming weeks. 

As always, thank you for letting us spend time with your wonderful children every day. The Welton Family really is a wonderful place to be!

Welton Maths Week

This week has been Maths week in England. Mrs Blackmore believes that maths can be beautiful and set the challenge for all the pupils to learn about how maths is used in art. Each class chose a project to work on, some were very challenging and made even the teachers' heads hurt!

We also entered some children into a maths competition, Primary Maths Challenge. Well done to all of the children who took part. A Special mention to Kathryn (Gold), Abbie (Silver) and Jonah (Bronze) who finished as our top 3.

Fire Marshals

We would like to say a special thank you to Speed Signs for helping continue to support the school in ensuring all of our children are safe. We have recently had fire marshal hi vis jackets designed to ensure that all children are safe and continue to make our school an even safer school to be in. 

Non Uniform Day next Friday (24th Nov)

Next Friday, we will be holding another non-uniform day. This will be to collect donations for our Christmas Tombola at the Christmas Fayre. Please bring in a donation (sweets, chocs, toiletries or a bottle) to help us run our tombola stall at the fayre. Please bring any donations to class on the Friday. The PTFA are greatful for all the support you give with this.

Teddy Bear Donations

As we begin to think about our Christmas Fayre on the 1st December, we are hoping to run our very own Teddy Bear Tombola. For this to be successful, we would really appreciate any donations of old teddy bears you no longer need or want. Please bring these in to school over the next couple of weeks. Many thanks for your support with this. 

Nurture Room - Amazon Wishlist

At Welton, we have been busy looking at how we can improve our nurture provision. We have been busy revamping our space and tidying so we can start offering opportunities for children to take part in directed interventions aimed at supporting their social and emotional needs. However, we need your help! In the coming weeks, we will be putting together an Amazon Wishlist of things to help support our children. These could be anything from books, to games and even sensory tools. If you are able to help, in any way, we would be truly grateful. We look forward to sharing this journey with you as it progresses. 

Year 6 visit East Africa!

This week, Year 6 were treated to a live video link with pupils at the Maria Assumpta Primary School in Uganda! This was an incredible opportunity to learn more about schooling in Uganda and to ask and answer questions to each other. We were hugely impressed with the respectful way in which our children communicated with another culture and how interested they were in learning about life in Africa. We were particularly amazed that the Ugandan school day started at 6.30am and finished at 5.30pm! We are hoping to connect again in the new year.


Coughs and Colds 

We know that this is the season for coughs and colds and as parents, it can be very difficult to know how to manage this. We were therefore delighted when the University of Bristol sent us this useful guide:

News and Events

Doodle Maths

Class of the week

Hawk Class

This week's top Doodlers!

Eagles - Aislinn

Hawks - Ianis

Kestrels - Elsie

Kingfishers - Rory

Nightingales - Adam

Robins - Scarlett

Keep doodling at home. For most classes, this is part of the homework policy

Bath Rugby Winter Holiday Activity Club

Bath Rugby Foundation are proud to be delivering Winter Break Out at Welton Primary School from Tuesday 19th December 2023 – Friday 22nd December 2023 for primary children in the local area. Winter Break Out is a festive holiday camp which includes a range of multiple sports, festive arts and craft activities and interactive games and activities for your children to enjoy. Please note that this isn’t a rugby skills camp! This takes place 10am-2pm across the 4 days and spaces can be booked via the Bath Rugby Foundation website - details to follow. We know that the 19th December is the last day of term however the club will still begin on this day! Further details about information and booking will be released next week with a priority booking window for Welton Primary pupils! If your child is eligible for Free School Meals (Pupil Premium) then you will shortly receive an email with a voucher that you can use to book this club at no cost. Bath Rugby Foundation look forward to seeing you all soon.

House Point Totals

House Points remain the same this week due to our Remembrance. Keep an eye out for our bumper scores next week!

Weekly Totals

Huish House - 549

Ludlow House - 814

Tyning House - 882

Old Mills House - 892

Running Totals

Huish House - 791

Ludlow House - 1,052

Tyning House - 1,115

Old Mills House - 1,182

After School with the Owls

In Owl club, our children have been extremely busy doing a range of different activities. They have recently taken part in a colouring competition where their artwork may be published in a book. Because of their hard work, we may have a chance of winning prizes to continue to improve our after school provision. 

If you have any donations of buttons or jars, please give them to Mrs Keevill. Thank you. 

Christmas Lunches

This year, Christmas lunch day will be on Wednesday 13th December. We cannot wait to have this day and enjoy all of the festivities with your children. Please book through Parent Pay if you would like your child to have a dinner on this day. Also, if you are in KS1, please ensure you complete your menu choices. 

Dessert, this year,  is a Festive ice cream Reindeer made from vanilla and chocolate ice cream. It all sounds delicious. 

Christmas Fayre

We cannot wait to host our Christmas Fayre on Friday 1st December between 5-7pm. We will be holding this in the car park and around the school site. We are even more excited to announce that Father Christmas will also be making an appearance.

If you are able to help, even for 30 minutes, please let one of the members of the PTFA know.

Ice Skating

We are pleased to announce that our Year 4, 5 and 6 children will have the opportunity, as part of our Christmas celebrations, to visit Volt Ice. Year 4 and 5 should have received their Google Form and Parent Pay link today. If your child is in Year 6, they will receive theirs at the start of next week once we have clarified timings around swimming galas etc.

We are very excited to offer this opportunity for your children. 

The dates are 1/2 of Year 6 and Year 5 on Tuesday 5th December and 1/2 Year 6 and Year 4 on Wednesday 6th December. 

Is your child a young carer?

At Welton School, we are thrilled to be collaborating with The Carers’ Centre to deliver much needed support to young carers within our school.  We are aware of some young carers in our school already but would love to extend this offer out to children who may not be aware they are a young carer (or who we do not yet know is a young carer). 

A young carer is a child under 18 who helps to support or is affected by someone who:

Has special educational needs (SEN)

A physical disability

A mental health condition

A drug or alcohol dependency

They do not necessarily have to be living in the same home as the person needing support.

If you think your child may be a young carer, or would like to know more about the wellbeing sessions, please let Mrs Hartley know by emailing the school office.

PTFA Events

The PTFA have a new Instagram pages. You can follow updates here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzKOP9uMB_0/?igshid=NjFhOGMzYTE3ZQ==  

Christmas Wreath making workshop

Come join us in an evening of festive wreath making and take your creation home to enjoy throughout the month of December.

Hot drink, mince pie and a few Christmas tunes in the background will add to the festive feel. Other refreshments will be available on the night - cash bar only.

£30 per person, over 18s only.  Deposits well be £10 per person, with the remainder to be paid on the night. 

Payment link for deposit will be sent via email - please complete the Google Form below if interested.


School Christmas Fayre

We are so excited to announce that we will be holding a school fayre on Friday 1st December between 5pm and 7pm. The PTFA have been busy working on raffle prizes and offering spaces to external businesses to make this event truly magical.

Please speak to members of the PTFA if you would like to help out. 

Root Connections Christmas Market - Saturday 25th November 11am-3pm

Thank you for the Jam Jar Jingle contributions that have been brought in this week. If you are free on Saturday 25th November, it would be lovely to see Welton families at the Roots Christmas Market.

Open Day - November 22nd

If you know any families who are looking for a brilliant school in Sept 2024 (or indeed who might be interested in joining Team Welton as soon as possible) please let them know that they are welcome to come for a visit at any time. A call to the school office is always helpful (01761 413131) however an unannounced visit is also welcome!

We are hosting another 'official' open day next Wednesday 22nd November so please spread the word!


Well done to all of our fantastic collaborators this week!

Welton Sports Stars

Well done to the following sports people for their achievements outside of school!


Well done to the following classes!

Best Attendance this week:-


Over 96% Attendance this week:-





Click on the links below to see what your children have been up to. These are our new pages. We will be releasing a nursery pages in the next week. We can't wait to share this with you!

Community News

Music Event at Writhlington

Writhlington School are delighted to be working with Vital Art, a charity set up by Lady Evelyn Strasburger to promote quality live music for young people in the local area. They are offering live concerts at Writhlington School from world-class classical musicians three times a year. 

Entry to Vital Art concerts is entirely free and gives young people and their families the opportunity to enjoy performances usually reserved for the concert halls of major cities.

The visiting performers are young musicians of real quality, including former BBC Young Musician finalists and soloists who have played with major international orchestras. In recent years, we have been fortunate enough to have hosted a variety of musicians to play to our school community, with names including Konya and Braimah Kanneh-Mason, pianist Daniel Lebhardt, cellist Maciej Kulakowski and french horn player Ben Goldscheider.

The first concert of this academic year will take place on Wednesday 29th November and will showcase the outstanding music of guitarist Manus Noble. Noble is known for his strong, unique sound, original compositions and varied recital programmes and has received wide critical acclaim for his work. You can expect an evening of world-class guitar performance.

Tickets can be reserved via their ticketshop. We would love to see members of the Welton Community there!

Contact Us

Welton Primary School

Radstock Road

Midsomer Norton



Tel: 01761 413131

Email: office@weltonprimaryschool.co.uk
