Weekly Newsletter


Be Safe - Be Kind - Be Your Best

 Key Dates

PSCO in to visit Owls - Wednesday 22nd May

Year 6 visiting Somervale - Friday 24th May

End of Term - Friday 24th May

Back to School - Monday 3rd June

Wren and Robin Class Trip - Wednesday 5th June

Fire Service in for Owls - Thursday 6th June 

Dan's Ice Cream after school - Thursday 13th June

Rags 2 Riches Collection - Friday 28th June

Welton Summer Fayre - Saturday 6th July

Value of week:


Message from Mr Lyle

Well today certainly ended the week in style. It has been great seeing so many children demonstrate so many of our values this week. A special mention to our Year 6 children for aspiring to do their best, to many of our children for their efforts in several sporting arenas and to all of the other children who have really shone this week. It's weeks like these that certainly make working in a primary school a special place to be. It was also a real pleasure to see so many of your come into school today and cheer all of our children on as they took part in Sports' Day.

As we come into the warmer months, please ensure children come into school with drinks bottles and sun hats. We also ask that you ensure they have sun cream on as we will try to get outside as much as possible. Please also pack a coat. Even if it is sunny, this is England, and we try to get out in any weather. Please pop a coat in their bag as we don't want them to miss out!

We hope you all enjoy the sunshine and have a lovely weekend. :)

Sun hats and Waterproofs

Our nursery is on the look out for any donations of sun hats and waterproof trousers. If you are having a clear out and have any of these you wish to donate, please feel free to bring them into school. We would really appreciate them. 

Family Cycle Training

Dear Parents/Carers,


We are pleased to offer free 1-2-1 Family cycle training in Somer Valley during May Half Term. We thought you could maybe help us to promote this popular course.


It is a flexible training designed to instruct parents to shepherd the family group and increase everyone confidence on roads. The first hour will take place off-road where our instructor will introduce basic cycle skills to help prepare everyone to cycle together on roads. Then, the group will have activities on cycle lanes and selected local roads under guidance of our instructor. To attend this course, all riders must be able to ride a bike (set off, pedal, slow down and stop).


Parents can book a place* by clicking HERE


* Please note that there is a high demand for this service and places are limited. We will operate on a first come first served basis. We will contact you by email to let you know a place is being hold for your family group.



1-2-1 Family cycle training

Cost: Free

Number of spaces: 8 families

Duration: 3 hours

Free loan bike & helmet

Available for children and adults

Location: Free Rangers Forest School Nursery. The Mill Barn, Manor Farm, Millards Hill. Midsomer Norton BA3 2BW

Dates & times:


Kind regards,

Bikeability Team


On Friday 28th June, we will be having another Rags2Riches collection. Please keep hold of any unwanted clothes and we will send bags home in the coming weeks. Please send in as much as you can: a couple of kilograms go a long way! :)

Nursery Requests

Our school nursery are on the look out for old pots, pans, jugs and kitchen utensils (please no knives). If you have any, please bring it into the school office. These things are great for the mud kitchen and also the water play area. We would really appreciate any of these things.

Y4 Camp

Last week, Miss Plaskitt, Mrs Hartley and Mrs Keevill went to Kilve Court with 26 Year 4 pupils. We had the most amazing weather and such a lovely time whilst we were away! Children got to do a range of activities including; archery, grass sledging, fantasy trail, bush craft and a beach walk. We even stopped for an ice cream in the sunshine on our walk back from the beach. In the evenings, we took part in evening more activities including a maze. Mr Lyle made a surprise appearance to join us on Thursday night for dinner and to take part in the evening activity. It was an all round fantastic trip! A big thank you to Year 4 for being so fantastic and making the trip so enjoyable!

Goodbye and Good Luck Miss Moon

Today, we said good bye to the wonderful Miss Moon as she gets ready to jet set off to Australia which will be very exciting. I am sure you will all agree she has been a fabulous member of the Welton family and will be missed dearly. We sent her off in true style in her very own 'I'm a HLTA get me out of here!' trail. 

I am sure everyone would like to join me in wishing her all the best and look forward to the updates!

Congratulations Y6

Year 6 have had a busy week with assessments.  They certainly have been following the school rule of: Be your best!  

Well done Eagle class!

I'm sure they would want to join me in saying a huge thank you to Mrs Heal for providing them all with a hearty SATs breakfast every morning this week.

Year 2 Fire Safety Talk

On Wednesday, Year 2 visited the library and took part in a fire safety talk held by Avon and Somerset Fire Service. They look at what the fire service do as part of their job and what to do if there is a fire. I am sure they will be busy testing alarms on Test it Tuesday in the coming weeks!

Afterschool with the Owls

Owls! We've got some exciting events coming up that we wanted to share with you. Next Wednesday (22nd), PCSO Glynn and his team will be paying us a visit to chat with the kids about police work. They may even bring a police car for us to explore! 

On June 6th, we'll be welcoming the fire brigade for a special visit. While they won't have a fire engine with them, they'll have some exciting stuff for us to see up close. 

Also, our polytunnel is starting to come to life with plants, watch this space for a plant sale! The allotment is really coming along and we can't wait to bring the children there in the near future .

Gardening club

Gardening club have been working hard planting seeds and weeding the school in preparation for the summer! Here are a few pictures of their effort and of the grass snake/massive slow worm that we found in the poly tunnel!

Graphic Novel Plea from Lyra (Y6)

Please see a message regarding graphic novels from Lyra - one of our Year 6 pupils.

At Welton, there aren't many graphic novels, and I have always liked reading graphic novels, so I thought, why not get well in more graphic novels at Welton Primary. They are for everyone there from young age to old .

If you are interested in this , you can donate a comic or more! It would help build the graphic novel selection in our lovely library.

If you could help with this, the whole school (and Lyra) would be grateful. Thanks Lyra!

Multi Sports - Y4

On Thursday, a group of year 4 headed to MSN Cricket club to take part in a range of sporting activities. Mrs Heal and Miss Moon were incredibly impressed with their behaviour and their positive attitude towards taking part and being their best. Well done guys!

Sports Day 2024

What a very busy and enjoyable day it has been!! We couldn't have asked for better weather and it was so lovely to see so many of you come down and join us for a picnic lunch before the afternoon events. It was great to have Bath Rugby with us this morning running various activities including a bouncy castle station (a highlight for many!) and Mrs Blackmore got us moving in a range of different ways to a very flamboyant samba!

The afternoon showed us that we have some fantastic sports people among us at Welton and it was lovely to see everyone cheering and encouraging each other through the races. 

Overall the winning house was Old Mills with 120 points! Well done!

KS2 Football

On Thursday, our KS2 football team travelled to Farmborough and competed against a very strong side. It certainly was end-to-end and our team put up a real fight, unfortunately coming second in the end. The team showed true courage, grit and resilience and kept pushing to the very end. They also received a special mention from the head teacher, at Farmborough, for their fantastic sportspersonship - we are so proud of them all! A special mention to Rocco who played in his final match for Welton and dazzled many with his fast feet and footballing ability! We look forward to seeing what his future holds! 

Well done to everyone for their efforts!

Illness and Attendance at Welton

Please be aware that we still have several children off with chicken pox. Please follow NHS guidance if you are unsure whether your child has it. Many thanks for helping us try to contain this. 


Attendance Poster.pdf


Well done to the following classes! 

Best Attendance this week:-



Over 95% Attendance this week:-





Doodle Maths

Class of the week

Class - Nightingale

Top Doodlers

Eagles -  Kian

Hawks -  Jack C

Kestrels -  Daniel

Kingfishers - Ronnie

Nightingales - Adam

Robins -  Thea

Keep doodling at home. For most classes, this is part of the homework policy

Online Safety

Jessie and Friends Resource (4-7 Year Olds)

Jessie and Friends is a great resource that parents can use to engage with their younger children about worrying or frightening situations online. When questions answer a question correctly they earn a star and can download a certificate to colour in.

Jessie and Friends can be found HERE.

Wellbeing Apps for Kids


With wellbeing increasingly hot on the agenda, helping children manage their health and wellbeing is a top priority. Nothing can beat getting out in the fresh air, meeting friends and having fun, but some children may find apps useful for things such as learning about emotions, managing anxiety etc. There are thousands of these types of apps, but to cut through the fog Internet Matters have put together a list which gives details such as: suitable ages, purpose, how the app works and (where applicable) the cost.

You can find the list of apps HERE.

Class Pages

Take a look here for what your children are learning this term!

Community News

Make a difference!.pdf

Support for families and young people with special educational needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).

Support for families and young people with special educational needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).

Explore the SEND Local Offer to find out what support there is available for young people with SEND and their families. Live Well B&NES includes details of wellbeing groups, social clubs, inclusive activities, holiday clubs, mental health support services and opportunities beyond formal education.

Dedicated information sections signpost to support around benefits and funding, Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP’s), health services and how to access impartial advice and guidance from specialist teams. Parent Carers of young people with SEND can identify ways they can access support for their role as a parent carer of a child with additional needs. You can also apply for your child’s free Rainbow Resource card providing discreet confirmation of their additional need, and enabling them to access dedicated activity sessions, quiet spaces and support, and in some cases concessions to venues across the South West.

Visit the SEND Local Offer to find out more. 


Job Opportunities at Welton Primary School

If you are interested in the following jobs, please come and speak to the office, Mr Lyle or Mr Snell. Thank you.

After School Club Supervisor

Permanent, Part Time 

6 hours per week

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. We follow safer recruitment practices and appointments are subject to an enhanced DBS check.

We are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic and hard working candidate to take on the role of an after school club supervisor to help provide an outstanding provision that promotes and supports a range of positive after school opportunities. 

Applicants should ideally have experience of working with or caring for children in either a paid, voluntary or domestic environment and will need to be able to show an interest in

children’s development. An understanding of school routines would be advantageous.

You will be a supported and valued member of our motivated and hard working team.

Welton Primary School has a commitment to staff development and training.

‘Staff are proud to work at the school and are grateful for the many training and development

opportunities that are open to them. Staff morale is high.’ Ofsted 2019

For more information about our school please visit our website: www.weltonprimaryschool.co.uk

Please speak to the office/Mr Lyle or Mr Snell about applications. 

Closing date: 22nd March 2024

Interviews: To be confirmed 

Contact Us

Welton Primary School

Radstock Road

Midsomer Norton



Tel: 01761 413131

Email: office@weltonprimaryschool.co.uk
