Weekly Newsletter


Be Safe - Be Kind - Be Your Best

Key Dates

Wren Class Parent Drop in - Monday 9th October - 9:00 - 9:30

Nightingale Class Parent Drop in - Tuesday 10th October

School Photos - Wednesday 11th October

Y4 Trip to Root Connection - Wednesday 11th October (10:00-2:00)

Christmas Card Collection - Wednesday 11th October

Robin Class Parent Drop in - Thursday 12th October (This will be at 2:00 -2:30 so that Y4 parents can attend both sessions)

Kestrel Class Parent Drop in - Thursday 12th October

Open day for new prospective parents - Tuesday 17th October

Open evening for new prospective parents - Wednesday 18th October (5pm - 6pm)

Kingfisher Class Parent Drop in - Thursday 19th October

Hawk Class Parent Drop in - Friday 20th October

School Disco (Fancy Dress Theme!) - Friday 20th October

End of Term 1 - Friday 20th October

Inset Day - Monday 30th October

Start of Term 2 - Tuesday 31st October

**Christmas Fayre- Friday 1st December 5-7pm **

Value of week: Unique

Message from Mr Snell

Here we are at the end of another busy week! I hope you enjoy reading these weekly newsletters. It's great to see all of the super things we are doing. With thanks to all the Welton staff for working tirelessly to provide such an outstanding range of opportunities for your children!

Another opportunity we are very much looking forward to will be taking place in March 2024. I am delighted to let you know that we have been successful in our bid for a grant from the government to develop our international links. The Turing Scheme is a government initiative to help schools develop international connections and I am delighted to say that our Year 5 pupils, together with two other Year 5 classes in the MNSP, will be taking part in an exciting collaborative project with a school in Prague. All children will be involved in communicating with each other, with a particular focus on how our schools support wellbeing and positive mental health. A small group of children will also have the opportunity to visit the school in Prague to further their connection and understanding of emotional health and wellbeing strategies in that setting. I am personally really excited about this opportunity for our school - I will share further information soon.

With thanks for your continued support. Don't forget the governor survey is still open for you to add your comments about the school (Click here to complete). I hope you enjoy the sunny and warm weekend!

Mr Snell

Parent drop in sessions

Many thanks to those who came in to see the Year 6 children last week. We loved having you in. Don't forget these events are happening in the coming weeks. 

Wren Class - Monday 9th October - 9:00 - 9:30

Robin Class - Thursday 12th October (This will be at 2:00 -2:30 so that Y4 parents can attend both sessions)

Nightingale Class - Tuesday 10th October

Kingfisher Class - Thursday 19th October

Kestrel Class - Thursday 12th October

Hawk Class - Friday 20th October

Parent Governor Survey

Our Local Governing Body are always interested in the views of parents and ask that you can spend a few minutes answering questions in their latest online survey. This can be accessed at https://forms.gle/MC6B9zauEvS7GqgB6 

News and Events

Macmillan Coffee Afternoon - Thank you

Thank you to everyone who baked, came and ate the wonderful cakes we had on sale to raise money for Macmillan. We raised a whopping £100 which will go towards supporting such a worthwhile cause. Thank you to our Year 4s who came and sang so beautifully as well. It was lovely to see. They cannot wait to perform it again next week. 

Sporting News

It's been an absolutely packed week of sport this week at Welton and it has been so great to see our children experience new and intriguing sports. Part of our commitment to P.E and sport is to encourage children to take part and participate in something new and there have been plenty of opportunities for that this week!

Cross Country: Tuesday 5th October

Mr Snell had the pleasure of driving 19 of our Y5/6 pupils up to Odd Down for the annual cross country event. All pupils had to run a distance of 1.2km and we were really proud of the perseverance and resilience they demonstrated. We were particularly proud when a teacher from another school came over and complimented our children on how well they had encouraged and supported children from other schools around the course. Well done Team Welton!!

Tchoukball: Wednesday 6th October

Our Tchoukball taster day on Wednesday proved to be a great success and it was clear to see the children really enjoyed trying something new! Why not ask your children if they can remember any of the rules they learnt on Wednesday?

Yoga: Thursday 7th October

Year 2 and 3 had a Yoga taster session on Thursday and the instructor mentioned how lovely it was to see our children get stuck in, focus when asked and have a great time. 

Next week our football team play their first match of the league against Shoscombe! Good luck everyone!

Running Club

Our lunchtime Running Club is proving to be really popular with many Key Stage 2 pupils taking to the local paths and fields with Mr Snell and Mr Stevens. The pupils run for over 30 minutes and put in a huge effort. We receive lovely comments from the public about how good it is to see our children running and how sensible they are.     

We are blessed to have the fantastic Greenway cycle track at the back of the school. There is a new 5km Five Arches Park Run every Saturday at 9am which follows the Greenway from Radstock. For more details, please see: https://www.parkrun.org.uk/fivearches/. 

Root Connections News

Hawks thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Roots last week (photos can be seen here Hawks visit Root Connections) and Kestrel Class are looking forward to their visit on 11th October. They will depart after having their indivdual photographs taken so please send Kestrels to school in uniform with clothes for Roots in a separate bag.  Thank you again to our wonderful PTFA for their contribution towards the trip and also to the parent volunteers who joined them - without your support we would not be able to make these experiences happen for our children. 

Cathy from Roots has invited us to run a stall at their Christmas Fayre which will be held on Saturday November 25th 2023 11am-3pm. This is a great opportunity for us to raise some funds to cover some of the consumable resources that are being used on the visits eg. clay.  Mrs Stevens will be running the stall alongside any other willing volunteers - parents or children. Please let her know if you or your child are keen to help out, or maybe you will come along and visit the Christmas Fayre - more info to follow on this. The suggested stall for us is Jam Jar Jingles  where families are invited to donate a jam jar filled and decorated with anything fun eg. sweets, pens, toy/s.  It is a popular stall and usually a good money earner!  The photograph below shows an example. So start saving your jam jars now!   

Watch this space for more information about upcoming Roots visits and photographs from Kestrels when they return next week. More information will be shared with Wren Class families during the coming weeks about their visit on 8th November.

Illness and Absence

As you all know, attendance is incredibly important for children and, in more recent times, it has been really tricky to know whether to send children in or not. We know, as parents, that you can tell when your child is not well enough to be here but, hopefully, this bit of guidance may help with supporting whether your child could be in school.

If your child has a cough or a cold, they can be in school. If they have a high temperature, or any vomiting/diarrhoea please keep them off until they are better. This is at least 48 hours for sickness. 

We understand that children cannot help being ill, it's the joys of germs at this time of year, we are just aware that some guidance may be useful. Thank you for your help with this. 

Please see link from NHS for further guidance around this: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/ 

PTFA Events

School Disco  - look out for slips about the school disco coming home today. This will be on Friday 20th October. We look to putting on our dancing shoes and having some fancy dress fun!

Welton Open Days

Many thanks to anyone who has shared or attended any of the open events we held this week. We cannot wait to open our doors again on the 17th and 18th of October. If you, or you know of someone, who can't attend, please speak to the office and come and see us anytime. 

If you have seen the posters on the school Facebook and Twitter site, please share. We are so excited to have some more wonderful families join our fabulous school.

Car Park Drop Off

It is lovely to see so many children smiling as they come in to the car park each day. Please try to stick to the paths, rather than cutting across the car park. We know, sometimes, this can be difficult but we are always trying to ensure drop off runs as smoothly and as safely as possible.

Similarly, if you are coming in to drop children off, please ensure you drive through the car park slowly and carefully as people are moving around at this time. We try to encourage that people do not use the car park to park and drop in to school, as this reduces the risk of potential issues occurring. 

Please try your best to park down by the duck pond. Thank you for your support in trying to keep all of our community safe.


Well done to our excellent achievers this week. We are all proud of you for showing our fantastic values and going above and beyond this week.

Cyber Safety Meeting

On Monday, we were extremely fortunate to have Avon and Somerset Police in to talk with children, parents and staff about Cyber Safety. This was incredibly informative for all people involved and the slides will be available to share in due course. Whilst we wait for these, it is worth mentioning that we are seeing an increased case of issues arising around children using social media platforms that are not age-appropriate and potentially causing children to be distracted from learning. Please see below the age ratings for certain platforms. As always, thank you with your unwavering support in trying to keep children safe online. 

Staff News

On Wednesday Mrs Blackmore and Mrs Stevens took part in MIDAS minibus training at Norton Hill Primary.  We are pleased to report that both are now officially able to drive the MSNSP minibuses and are excited to drive Welton children out and about in the community. 


Well done to the following classes!

Best Attendance this week:-

Eagle Class

Over 95% Attendance this week:-

Hawk Class

Kestrel Class

Kingfisher Class

Nightingale Class

Robin Class

House Points

Another fantastic week of children demonstrating our values of uniqueness, responsibility, respect, collaboration, courage and aspiration this week. Here are the current house point totals.

Weekly Totals

Huish House - 429

Ludlow House - 549

Tyning House - 769

Old Mills House - 684

Current Totals

Huish House - 2,069

Ludlow House - 2,066

Tyning House - 2,478

Old Mills House - 2,343

Click on the links below to see what your children have been up to. These are our new pages. We will be releasing a nursery pages in the next week. We can't wait to share this with you!

Christmas Cards

Don't forget to order your cards and then bring the sample back for us to post. These need to be in by Wednesday 11th so that we can send them off to be printed. Many thanks to those who have ordered some already as this is a great way to celebrate children's work whilst raising valuable funds for the school.

Community News

Contact Us

Welton Primary School

Radstock Road

Midsomer Norton



Tel: 01761 413131

Email: office@weltonprimaryschool.co.uk
