Weekly Newsletter


Be Safe - Be Kind - Be Your Best

Key Dates

Parents' Evenings There will be no after school teacher-led clubs this week -

Reception, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 - Monday 6th November

Wren Class Root Connections - Wednesday 8th November

Y1, Y3, Y4 and Y5 - Thursday 9th November

Year 6 - Friday 10th November

Remembrance service in school - Friday 10th November

Maths Week - Monday 13th November

National Anti-Bullying Week - Monday 13th November

Flu Vaccine - Wednesday 15th November

**Christmas Fayre- Friday 1st December 5-7pm **

Christmas Celebration Events - w/b 11th December more information to follow

Value of week: Collaboration

Message from Mr Lyle

Welcome back and welcome to Term 2! We hope you all had a well rested break and are ready to hit Term 2 running. As always, it has been great catching up with all of the children, finding out what they have been learning and sharing their magic moments with them. It is great that we can celebrate each and every one of them for being their best every day. 

There are lots of exciting things to look forward to this term: Parents' Evenings, Remembrance, PTFA Christmas Events, and also school based Christmas events which we will be sharing in the coming newsletters. 

We ask, as move through this term, that you continue to follow guidance around illness and also do your best to be in school, on time, every day. We know, sometimes, this cannot be helped but please try your best to encourage them and we will continue to give them the education they deserve.

As always, thank you for your continued support. Mr Lyle :)

Parents' Evenings

Please don't forget to book your parents' evening slots. You can do this here: https://welton.schoolcloud.co.uk/

Any problems, please speak with the class teacher, or the office, who will be more than happy to help. 

Year 6 Camp

It has been wonderful seeing so many fantastic updates from the Year 6 children during their time at Heatree. You can see the updates on their class page

Nursery Drop In Session

Alongside our parents evenings for reception to Y6, we will be holding some Christmas Catch-Up sessions on the 13th December. This will be an opportunity to drop in and catch up about your child's progress. We look forward to seeing you all then.

Don't forget, keep looking at our class page to see what we have been up to: we have been extremely busy! 

Remembrance 2023

This year, we will be remembering members of our armed forces, who were involved in any of the wars or died in the line of duty.

To mark this occasion, we ask that on Friday 10th November, children come to school with an item of red clothing on alongside their school uniform. If they are a member of Beavers, Cubs, Brownies, Guides, Boys' Brigade, or something similar, they are able to wear their uniform to mark the event.

On the 10th, we will hold a special assembly to raise awareness and show our respects, with a member of the armed forces joining us to explain to children about the importance of remembrance. We will also be holding a minutes silence and laying our own wreaths to pay our respects. 

Alongside this, we will be selling poppies next week. Children will be able to purchase these at lunchtime. There are an array of different poppy merchandise for children to purchase: snap bands, key rings, lanyards and your normal paper poppy. 

All we ask is that children bring a donation. Prices for different objects will vary from 10p - £1. We will be holding this in the library each day from 12:30 - 1:00.

Many thanks for your support in raising money for such a worthy cause such as the Royal British Legion. 

News and Events

Doodle Maths

Class of the week

Hawk class with 54% of children on target

This week's top Doodlers!

Robins - Bethany

Nightingales - Monty

Kingfishers - Aithan

Kestrels - Elsie

Hawks - Jack C

Eagles - Keira

Keep doodling at home. For most classes, this is part of the homework policy


Well done to all of our achievers this week! We are so proud of them all for demonstrating our values this week! It was really lovely to hear the teachers saying such wonderful things about each and every one of you. 

House Point Totals

Another fantastic week of children demonstrating our values of uniqueness, responsibility, respect, collaboration, courage and aspiration this week. Here are the current house point totals.

Weekly Totals

Huish House - 242

Ludlow House - 238

Tyning House - 233

Old Mills House - 290

Class Page updates

Don't forget to visit your child's class page where you will find updates on what children are learning this term and also what they have been up to so far.

We hope you are enjoying seeing these updates as much as we are. You can access these pages by clicking the tabs at the bottom of the newsletter or by going to the class pages on the school website. https://www.weltonprimaryschool.co.uk/ 

Term 2 Clubs

We are very excited to announce that alongside our current clubs, some of our Year 5 children are going to be running a hockey club on a Thursday lunchtime. You can find more information here (the children have done such a great job of advertising their club!). 

Dear Parents,

We are starting a hockey club for Y1 and Y2 and your child might be able to do it five people from each class attend. Our names are Jake, Rudi, Jack and Vinnie. We are in Year Five. It is going to be on the bottom playground. We are taking a maximum of 10 children. If your child wants to do it, and there is more than five people, they can be on the waiting list.

We will support and guide your child and teach them to dribble and pass. We will put 2 cones and 1 will be keeper 1 will try to get the ball in the cones without the keeper hitting it away. At the end of each lesson, we will tell them how good they did the best people will get a sticker after the lesson. The supervisor is Mrs Cockerill. She is a first aider so any injuries she will fix.

It starts next Thursday at 12:30pm. Please speak to Mr Lyle if they want to be part of this and he will sign them up.

The club is totally free and we will support the Y1s and 2s to be their best. 

Best regards Jake, Vinnie, Jack and Rudi.

PTFA Events

The PTFA have a new Instagram pages. You can follow updates here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzKOP9uMB_0/?igshid=NjFhOGMzYTE3ZQ==  

Christmas Wreath making workshop

Come join us in an evening of festive wreath making and take your creation home to enjoy throughout the month of December.

Hot drink, mince pie and a few Christmas tunes in the background will add to the festive feel. Other refreshments will be available on the night - cash bar only.

£30 per person, over 18s only.  Deposits well be £10 per person, with the remainder to be paid on the night. 

Payment link for deposit will be sent via email - please complete the Google Form below if interested.


School Christmas Fayre

We are so excited to announce that we will be holding a school fayre on Friday 1st December between 5pm and 7pm. We will be offering stalls to external stalls and will be holding some events to help prepare for this magnificent event in Term 2. Please speak to members of the PTFA if you would like to help out. 

Root Connections Christmas Market - Saturday 25th November 11am-3pm

As mentioned in our last newsletter, Welton has been invited to run a stall at the Christmas market to raise funds towards our outdoor experiences at Roots. Our stall is 'Jam Jar Jingles' so we welcome any donations of jam jars filled with sweets or other fun things. Please bring any donations to Mrs Stevens. We also have a collection of empty jam jars waiting to be filled so if it is easier to send a bag of sweets we are happy to put them into jam jars ourselves. Anyone who would like to help run the stall should see Mrs Stevens. Thank you.

Every day is an Open Day at Welton

Online Safety 

Parent Zone have created ‘Ollee,’ a virtual friend that asks your child how they are feeling and provides ideas and advice to help. Ollee is aimed at 8-11 year olds. You are also able to use the app to find advice around any issues that you think your child might be having. 

You can find out more here: https://parentzone.org.uk/Ollee

Welton goes Greener

We are excited to announce that our school has started a new 'eco' initiative. The aims of the project are to ensure all pupils and staff do their very best to reduce the use of resources, encourage recycling, keep the school tidy and take special care of the school's green spaces.

Pupils have attended an assembly to launch the project and the very first Eco Awards were presented to Mrs Blackmore and Mrs Stevens who have been known to walk over 3 miles to school. This week, Charlie and Ernie in Year 5 were presented with certificates (on recycled paper) for their outstanding contribution to gardening on the school site.

Although it is a whole school initiative, a number of pupils will now become part of an Eco Team. They will be responsible for highlighting what we are doing well, taking action where improvements are needed and nominating pupils for Eco Awards. One of their other tasks this term will be to produce a piece of Christmas art from recycled materials to enter into a local competition.  

We will also monitor our energy consumption on a weekly basis (compared to similar schools) and look at ways to improve including closing doors, switching lights off and carefully assessing the heating settings. Even on school camp, turning lights off is part of the daily room inspection! 


Well done to the following classes!

Best Attendance this week:-

Robin and Eagle

Over 96% Attendance this week:-




Click on the links below to see what your children have been up to. These are our new pages. We will be releasing a nursery pages in the next week. We can't wait to share this with you!

Community News

Music Event at Writhlington

Writhlington School are delighted to be working with Vital Art, a charity set up by Lady Evelyn Strasburger to promote quality live music for young people in the local area. They are offering live concerts at Writhlington School from world-class classical musicians three times a year. 

Entry to Vital Art concerts is entirely free and gives young people and their families the opportunity to enjoy performances usually reserved for the concert halls of major cities.

The visiting performers are young musicians of real quality, including former BBC Young Musician finalists and soloists who have played with major international orchestras. In recent years, we have been fortunate enough to have hosted a variety of musicians to play to our school community, with names including Konya and Braimah Kanneh-Mason, pianist Daniel Lebhardt, cellist Maciej Kulakowski and french horn player Ben Goldscheider.

The first concert of this academic year will take place on Wednesday 29th November and will showcase the outstanding music of guitarist Manus Noble. Noble is known for his strong, unique sound, original compositions and varied recital programmes and has received wide critical acclaim for his work. You can expect an evening of world-class guitar performance.

Tickets can be reserved via their ticketshop. We would love to see members of the Welton Community there!

Contact Us

Welton Primary School

Radstock Road

Midsomer Norton



Tel: 01761 413131

Email: office@weltonprimaryschool.co.uk
