Welcome to Eagle Class
Welcome to Eagle Class. We are very excited to be teaching your child again. Please come back regularly to find out what your child is learning about and what they have been up to each week as an Eagle.
Key news and updates:
Please ensure both Maths and reading comprehension homework is completed and handed back in by Thursday of the following week. If you are unsure of which pages to do, please look at the dates written on the pages by your child. Reading records need to be handed in on Fridays. Our homework policy states a child needs to read at least three times each week at home. It is better for your child to have someone listen to them read but I understand that this isn't always possible - on these occasions your child can write the book name/pages and an adult can just sign to say they know the child has read.
Weekly updates
Summer 2 Week 2
This week we have been writing, editing and presenting speeches of persuasion about whether Auggie should go to school or not.
Summer 2 Week 1
This week we have started reading a new book called Wonder by R J Palacio; we will be basing a lot of our Literacy lessons around it. In Maths, we are recapping some number work and trying to solve problems from https://nrich.maths.org/frontpage. Today we had the pleasure of learning from students who have travelled all the way from Sai International School in India.
Last term, we ended with a visit to Somervale to practise our tabletennis skills with some of their sports' leaders, including two past Welton pupils.
A letter has gone home today about our whole class music lessons. Please sign it and return it to enable your child to bring an instrument home to practise.
Summer Week 6
Another busy week for Eagle Class. Our PE lesson on Monday was having a go at 'hop, step and jump' from a standing position and then from running. We took out the metre rulers to measure the distances we managed to achieve. On Tuesday, we joined a careers event online to find out more about jobs in aviation. In French we created triaramas with a cafe scene and a conversation which might happen there. In Maths, we have been creating posters about 3D shapes. On Thursday, we walked to the library to change our books and today we visited Somervale to work with their 'sports leaders'.
Summer Week 5
Sports Day fun!
Summer Week 3
Some interesting discussions about different feelings we may have when experiencing a loss of some kind.
Summer Week 2
What a busy week!
We have been getting to grips with internal angles in triangles, planning a setting description, we're trialling Amplify Music, we've been saying what food a drink we like in french, developing our ideas for a memory box and have been on two trips!
A huge thank you to Roots Connection for making us feel so welcome on Wednesday morning.
Summer Week 1
It is lovely to be back at school. Hopefully you all managed to have some kind of break. We've 'hit the ground running' this week with editing and improving our writing ready for it to be assessed. In Maths, we are finishing off our statistics unit and are taking a close look at piecharts and the mean. Our PE lessons continue to be on Mondays and Thursdays and we are focusing on athletics and tennis.
A big thankyou to the PTFA for funding our fantastic leavers' hoodies, they look great!
Please see our term overview on the 'Learning in year 6' tab.
M Shed and Lifeskills
We had a fantastic day out on Wednesday exploring the history of Bristol at the M Shed museum. During the afternoon we visited 'Lifeskills' and gained extremely useful information to help keep us safe. Please take the time to look through the workbook which is coming home today (Friday 19th April).
Spring 2 Week 5
In French lessons this week we have been learning vocabulary focused on theme parks. We designed one and wrote sentences in French about it on a trirama.
Spring 2 Week 4
Another great week for year 6 where we have focused on Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). On Monday we experimented with paper aeroplanes, helicopters and gliders to familiarise ourselves with our activity for the whole school STEM fayre on Friday. We mixed in 'house groups' on Tuesday afternoon to work towards creating the highest tower made out of just 30 sheets of paper and tape which could hold a tin of food. Our DT projects - miniature playgrounds - were completed and put on display for Friday.
Spring 2 Week 3
We have had such a busy week! Assessments have been completed and I will be able to feed back results to parents during our next parents' evenings. Thursday was World Book Day which began with a book swap: your child should have come home with a book to keep.
Spring 2 Week 2
This week started with a fantastic opportunity to take part in a 'Voices for Life Project'. We were treated to an assembly where we learnt a song called 'Let's Go'. Welton will be part of a video sent to Team GB with best wishes for Paris 2024. Eagle class had the opportunity to get close to the Olympic torch from 2012. In Maths, we have been getting to grips withe fractions, decimals and percentages and in English we have been planning and writing a narrative similar to Holes by Louis Sacher. In French, we have been recapping funfair nouns and in PE we have been trying different dodgeball games and learning various techniques.
Spring 2 Week 1
Your children are ace! Every member of Eagle class has come back from half-term with such a positive attitude towards their learning. We are on a mission to perfect our writing, ensuring that every time we write it is our best. This means content - the different grammar and punctuation techniques, imagination - and presentation. For some children it means using handwriting paper in their English books, for others it could be typing work out and for some it is just checking handwriting is legible when writing at speed. This week, we have been finishing our plans for a narrative which will have a similar story line to 'Holes'. Next week, we will write it, edit it and then present it.
Spring 1 Week 5
In Art this week, we took a close look at chiaroscuro (from the Italian words chiaro, meaning “light,” and scuro, meaning “dark”).
Spring 1 Week 4
This week, we welcomed students from Bath Spa University: we did some drama based on World War Two. This week was also 'Geography and Eco Week'. See below for some photos of work.
Spring 1 Week 3
Our Friday afternoons this term are being split. Half the class are outside with Bath Rugby taking part in some well-being sessions through sport and the other half are with Miss Cohill and myself doing some RE and music. We absolutely love this music unit and had the delight of performing to the school as part of our celebration assembly on Friday.
Spring 1 Week 2
It is lovely to be back at school and with the children who are eager to learn. Our value this week and last has been 'aspiration' and we have seen lots of examples of it, from Alfie with his positive attitude to re-writing a whole piece of writing to Jasper who has taken on the role of 'clicker' with a determination to do well.
Our music lessons are so much fun. We have the xylophones out and are playing along and improvising to 'Classroom Jazz 2'.
Autumn 2 Week 7
On Friday, we had a lovely afternoon shared with year 5 and parents/carers. We performed some songs, told some jokes and had fun doing Christmas activities. Here are a few photos of the afternoon.
Autumn 2 Week 6
We've had so much fun this week!
Autumn 2 Week 5
This week we have been finishing off some work with fractions in our Maths lessons. In English, we have been presenting an eye witness report about a day during WW2. French lessons have been fun - we have been learning how to talk about our daily routines and in DT we have begun marking and cutting the fabric to make a waistcoat for a teddybear.
We are all looking forward to ice-skating next week.
Autumn 2 Week 4
In our RE lessons we have been taking a closer look at Hinduism. This week we found out about Atman.
Autumn 2 Week 3
With the help of Mr Snell, we made links with a school in Uganda. It was great finding out about the school day there and what they enjoy learning.
Autumn 2 Week 2
We've had a busy week with lots of learning. In Maths, we are workings hard with fractions. In English lesson, we are putting all of our knowledge and skills into practise by writing a first person narrative. We are lucky to be trialling music lessons from a provider called Amplify. In our first lesson, we had to listen carefully to decide if songs were in 4/4 time or 3/4 time and then clap them out.
This week we also had the chance to create our own poppy wreath which we placed at the front of the hall during our remembrance service on Friday. It can currently be seen tied to the fence outside of school with all the other wreaths made by the different year groups.
Autumn 2 Week 1
Camp Week Day 4
We have had to make a few changes to our activities due to the weather conditions this week but it hasn't stopped us from having fun! This morning, we got into teams and did some 'global' activities followed by a some orienteering close the house. This afternoon, we went further with orienteering around the whole site and then we went on a walk on the moors.
Autumn 2 Week 1
Camp Week Day 3
After breakfast (cereal, toast, fruit and yoghurts) we headed out into the grounds to have some fun...
Autumn 2 Week 1
Camp Week Day 2
Today, we have been stream-scrambling and big tree climbing.
Autumn 2 Week 1
Camp Week Day 1
This afternoon we went on a 'Wilderness Walk' on Dartmoor and with the help of an off-road wheelchair we were all able to take part. We have settled into our rooms and have enjoyed our first meal here.
Week 7
In Maths this week, we have been getting to grips with some fraction work. We now realise how important it is to be secure with our timestable knowledge as this helps us with solving fraction problems.
Week 6
Another great week for Eagle Class. Our Art lessons have been focusing on demonstrating observation and proportion to create art in a photorealistic style. Please see some amazing portraits below...
Week 5
In Art, we have been applying an understanding of photography to recreate a famous painting.
Can you guess which it is?
Week 4
This week we have been planning and writing a description of a storm at sea. We tried to use a range of figurative language techniques. Which can you spot?
Week 3
We ended the week with house meetings to vote for house captains. A big well done to all pupils who put themselves forward to be a house captain. You gave some amazing speeches. Congratulations to those who were voted in.
Week 2
In our computing lessons we have been discussing how we can stay safe whilst online. Here are a few of our posters.
Designed by Aislinn
Designed by Betsy
Designed by Amber
Week 1
It has been a great start to the year. This week in Maths, we have been looking at numbers up to 10,000,000. Our guided reading book is linked to our English lessons so we are getting to know our main characters quite well and have begun writing a balanced argument about whether they should sail around the world or not. In Art, we have begun creating a photomontage.
Useful web links
If you would like some extra support with your child's learning, take a look at these links below which could help your child.
Wider Curriculum links
Spring 2 Week 5
In French this term, we have been learning vocabulary and phrases to be able to talk about theme parks. This week, we designed our own and wrote about them on triaramas.