Welcome to Kingfisher Class

Welcome to Kingfisher Class

What a fantastic year we are going to have in Kingfisher Class this year. It's going to be full of laughs, learning and opportunities for children to be leaders. This year, we want to provide lots of opportunities for children to shine alongside working with parents to bring our community together. We can't wait to share this journey with you all.


Key news and updates:

Take a look at our yearly overview and see what we will be learning each term.

Y3 Curriculum Map 2024-25.docx

Autumn Term

This term, we will be exploring what life was like in the Stone Age and how their settlements and lives differed to ours. In geography, we will be learning about Europe and the human and physical features you can discover. We are also going to be looking at animals including humans and many other exciting things. 

Term 1

What will we be learning this term? 

What we are learning Year 3 Term 1.docx

Weekly updates

25th October

We have had a fun packed final week of term. On Tuesday, we had an inter-house dodgeball tournament, which was lots of fun. Kingfisher class collaborated really well and put in lots of effort.

In science we have been identifying different food groups, and thinking about what we need to eat in order to keep our bodies healthy.

And, on Thursday, we visited the library with Year 1, and listened to some Halloween themed stories.

Have a lovely, relaxing holiday everyone!

18th October

Another busy week this week in Kingfisher class. Children have been busy researching different countries, sharing their 500 word stories and learning some traditional songs and singing around Djembe drumming. Well done to all of the children for showing great respect this week! Have a nice weekend :)!

11th October

Thank you all for attending our maths workshop this week, joining in with our learning and seeing how we use the concrete, pictorial and abstract approach in maths to promote mastery of the maths curriculum.

As you could see, we build on a thorough understanding of the basic maths facts - counting in 1s, and 10s, number bonds, and place value. Any time that you can spend at home revising these facts is hugely beneficial. 

4th October

This week, in English, we have been writing newspaper reports about the discovery of the Stone Age settlement, Skara Brae. We will be publishing them next week and are looking forward to sharing them with you. 

We have also been very busy creating our festive artwork for our Cauliflower Cards Christmas cards. They will be coming home next week, so look out for those!

27th September

This week, as part of our harvest celebrations, every year group has studied a poem and performed it during today's assembly. Kingfisher Class learned the poem 'Harvest'. During the performance every member of the class recited their lines off by heart, confidently and clearly. We are very proud of their efforts!

Here is a video of them practising.


20th September

In Year 3, we started Djembe drumming with Mr Hockey this week. We were blown away by the children's rhythm and collaboration in creating sound. They had a fabulous time. We will be doing this for the next 9 weeks. We can't wait to show you our final pieces. Next week, we will be busy practising our Harvest Poem. Take a look next week to see what we have performed!

13th September

PE and writing have been a big focus in Kingfisher Class this week. Children have loved planning their own versions of Stone Age Boy, thinking about how they are using their language choices to build the suspense and make the story come to life. We have also been busy in PE, developing our hockey skills. Our focus this week has been control, exploring how we use our stick to change direction quickly. We all have had so much fun! 


6th September

What a wonderful first week back we have had! We have been busy getting used to our new routines and settling into our new classroom. Kingfisher Class have been great!

For fluency Friday in maths, we have been reinforcing our knowledge of place value and the number line to 100 by creating our own number lines using different representations of numbers. Everyone worked well as part of a team showing many different ways of representing numbers to 100.

w/c 2nd September

Here you will update what the learning has been done this week. Some children's voice would be good in here. With the images, choose three high-quality pieces of work/images to share for that week. One capturing English, one doing some wider curriculum work and one either doing something outdoors or maths.

 Meet our wonderful team.

Mrs Allen

Mrs Allen started teaching at Welton Primary School in September 2022. She is delighted to be teaching Year 1 again this year, and will be teaching Kingfisher Class on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

In her spare time, Mrs Allen spends lots of time outdoors with her family, walking, bike riding and enjoying lots of time at the coast.

Mr Lyle

Mr Lyle joined the Welton team as Head of School in 2023 and is extremely excited to be teaching Kingfisher Class on a Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday

In his spare time, he loves to spend time with his family, go for walks and play sport - particularly cricket, badminton and running.

Mrs Tracey

  Useful web links 

If you would like some extra support with your child's learning, take a look at these links below which could help your child.