Work out

Get stronger

In the past, I'd done so many kind of training by myself, but this was my first time doing training in a correct way. One day, I practiced tennis and I felt that when I hit the ball, the ball didn't go powerful. Therefore, my goal was to get stronger, fitter, and faster. I first started to do workout on 27th September 2018 and do it every Sunday with trainer Nic who used to be a professional body builder. One session of training was only one hour. It might sounds less, but he didn't let me rest a lot. The training covered speed and agility, strength, and endurance.

Muscle Factory

This is a place where I do the fitness. It is on the opposite of my school which takes about 10 minutes walk from the school. Most people that go to the Muscle Factory are bodybuilder, and Athlete. What is so special about this place are that they have all kind of training machines and they have great trainers who know about nutrition.

Some Video

About two weeks after doing this, I could feel the change in my body. My muscle got bigger and my overall physical condition was much better and faster than before. Even though, I felt fatigue, sore, and tired, but these work out challenge me so much. It didn't only improve my physical but also mentally. I learned to never give up and I got a lot of motivation from the trainer.

Learning Outcome:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

"It hurts now but one day it will be your warm up"