
My First Ukulele...

I got my first ukulele from my aunt, which she got it from Hawaii, when I was 10 years old. At that time, I didn't want to play it because I was so addicted to the video game. Unfortunately, I lost that ukulele.

My new ukulele - Kala KA-SSLNG

The New Ukulele...

7 years later, I had a chance to go to the USA for a school trip for about 3 weeks. On the last week, we went to Hawaii. Fortunately, my aunt and her family lived there. My teacher let me to go to meet my aunt for one whole day. Before I came to Hawaii, ukulele was in my shopping list, and I had heard that ukulele is the very popular in Hawaii. I told my aunt that I wanted to buy one ukulele back home. She took me to the same shop as the one that she bought the first ukulele for me long time ago. Then, I got my uke! Surprisingly, my aunt helped me pay half of it as she said this was a souvenir from us. I was so appreciate her, and that was how I got this ukulele...

My Family from Other Side of the World...

I came back to Thailand, and I really wanted to play this ukulele. I searched up a tutorial videos for beginners from Youtube, and there were thousands of them. Some were good, some were boring. I found one Youtube channel that made ukulele looked easier. The channel is called The Ukulele Teacher. His video is so easy for me to follow. Even though, the way he sing is pretty unique, still his ukulele skill is unbelievable. After a few months of practicing ukulele, I started to be able to play a song. Indeed, ukulele is just like a guitar but a smaller version. I love the sound and the design of the ukulele. Every time when I play this ukulele, it makes me feel like I'm playing on the beach. It relax my mind and I can see peace in it. Ukulele has improved many things in me such as, concentration, patient, and a sense of music. For me, Ukulele is the thing that gathers people together and brings up smile on people face, and that is why I love to play ukulele so much.

My aunt's family and I

Here are some videos.

First song I played on this uke.

This was one year after I got that ukulele.

Learning Outcomes:

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.