
13-15 July 2018, I went to hiking during the summer trip to the Us. It was my first time ever in my life to stand on top of the mountain. This mountain is called "Sleeping Giant," which is in Hawaii. I went there with my friends and teachers, and It was very fun. Even though, my first thought was I didn't want to climb up there because I was too scared of height, but eventually, I did it.

Q: What did you get from doing this?

I got a chance to break my limit which was scaring of height. I had to be braved to go up there, and when I was on the top, it was an unbelievable moment. The view was stunning. The fear that happened before I climbed was unnecessary, and it turned out to be an astonishing day. I would highly recommend my friends and my family to go hiking. It is once in the lifetime.

On the same day but in 2019, I went to climb another mountain in Hawaii, Koko head. This is much harder than The giant head because it had more steps. It might sound easy when I said there were steps, but it was a very long way to the top and some steps had large holds in between. I learned how to climb the mountain, and it was a great circumstance to breakthrough my comfort zone. Just like breaking the ice.

When I reached the top of Koko head

best spot to take a pic

Learning Outcome:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

"If you don't climb the mountain, you can't see the view." - Harvey Mackay