Photo Shooting

Here are some photo that I shot. I used Canon Mark 3 to shoot these photo. My dad taught me how to shoot great photo because his job is photo shooting. He taught me a lot of techniques from how to hold the camera properly to some advance techniques. For example, the composition, the light, how to set up props, etc. After I shot photos, my dad also taught me how to make the photos looked even better by using the photo editing application which was Lightroom.

Editing Video

As I had tried so many editing program, the one that work the best for me was Imovie. It is a free program for Mac. They also have it on your phone too. My dad is very good at photo and video. His job is a production house. Thus, I beg him to teach me. Since I knew how to edit a video, it have became one of my hobbies. In addition, I can use this skill when there are school assignments that require video.

This is one of my video

Learning Outcome:

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively