Cleaning at Wat Sapan

On the 12th October 2018, I had an opportunity to go and clean the temple in Bangkok. This temple is called Wat Sapa. I went there with my friends and teacher. Initially, our objective was to clean as much as we could, so the people over there didn't have to it. Indeed, their temple yard was already clean. There were just some leaves that fell from the trees. Furthermore, we also clean the rest room which we thought it would be the hardest. However, It was not hard at all since we worked as a team, and we had an objective in or mind. The people over there were very kind to us. After we finished the cleaning, they bought us some water, juices and soft drink without even asking for. It was a great experience, and I want to share this to everyone.

This trip improved our teamwork skill, communication, patient, and kindness. We didn't receive any money or reward. The most importantly is we did it from our heart without hesitation.

Oh yeah... This was the best part of a trip. This cattle was a temple's cattle, and my teachers, my friends, and I got a chance to feed this cattle. They were adorable and ate a lot. I hope one day I can have my own cattle to feed.

Learning Outcomes:

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance