Character Day

On Monday, 7th October, 2019, I had a pretty cool day. It's Character day! And it was the first time for me. The rule is very simple. Each of you just have to wear a costume of any character from the movie and try to make it look alike as much as possible. The fun part was we guessed each other character and we acted like the character for the whole day. When we were studying, we also wore the costume. Even on the way to school, we still wore it.

So my character was Manuel from the Disney's movie, Coco. Miguel is a Spanish boy who love music. The reason why he has to paint his face in skeleton because he tried to disguise as a spirits of the dead.

The funny part on this day was that when I dressed up like Miguel and walked into the Business class, the teacher asked me to perform the song from the movie. I was waiting for that. Hahaha no, I'm joking. It was so much fun and I would say that this is one of my favorite spirited day. And here, enjoy the video!!!

The process of making Miguel costume

First try

This was the first mask that I worked on. I did paper marche by using tissue that mixed with glue, and pasted it on the mask. It took so much time to do that because I had to cut the tissue into small pieces and place it one at a time. Also, it was very messy.

The result turned out to be creepy so I changed.

Second try

This was the second mask. I just use the circle white cone that I use for training, and I painted with marker.

It still looked weird and didn't look like the original so I changed.

Third try

Eventually, I just went with the simple idea which was drawing Miguel's face on the plain paper and cut it out. Easy and simple.

I also add the skeleton gloves to my costume and I bought a 60 Baht gloves and painted with the white marker.

and these were the props that I used on that day consist of red hoodie, skeletal gloves, ukulele, and Miguel's mask.

Learning outcome:

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively