
When I was a kid, I used to play boxing game on Nintendo Wii console with my brother. It was fun and it left me a desire to do the real one. Finally, one Saturday, my friend, Luca, invited to the place called "Cheeks". It's a boxing club. We booked for one hour, and if it is fun, we will extent. I was so excited and wonder how it was going to be like. Would it be like in the video game? So, I got to the place and I have nothing with me except phone and wallet. I borrowed their gloves and boxing tape. Then, the session started. There were around 5 people there including Luca and I. They separated into 4 sets and we did it in a cycle. By this, every would have time to rest. The first set, I did the "Muay Thai" and this has both punch and kick. I thought they was going to start slow and taught some basic but no, they let me kick 30 times in a row both sides. I did that without a warm up, and every single kick, I put the whole effort on it. That made my pants wet and I started to feel the muscle cramp on my calf. My wrist started to get sore and I sweated a lot. It was a great exercise, and I had so much fun. This place has many professional boxer that train here, and also some teachers were former boxers. They taught many good stuffs such as footwork, technique, mindset, and the way professional boxer trains.

Learning outcomes:

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth