Prom Planning Reflection

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
  2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
  3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
  4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
  5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively


As a tradition in our school, the juniors (G.11) would plan the senior's (G.12) prom. When the time came for our class to plan for the prom, we separated into different groups/teams each being responsible for an aspect of the prom. Some of the groups were: hotel, decoration, and marketing and design. I was selected to be in the hotel group. In the hotel group, we were responsible for seeking out hotels, ask information, take a tour, and finally negotiate for a lower price or more compensation. I was assigned a Radisson Blu Plaza. I had to make phone calls, and eventually email them for information about the ballrooms. After some time corresponding and getting specifics such as space, location, and benefits that we would receive, I along with a few of the leaders of the group went for a tour of the hotel where we took pictures and asked questions regarding the event and the space.

After we had all the base covered we presented the different hotels to the seniors narrow down the choice. From 5 hotels, they narrowed down the hotel choice to 2 hotels, Radisson Blu was one of them. After the selection was made, I corresponded with the hotel for more information such as the food which will be served to accommodate vegetarians and vegans. Furthermore, I was also in charge for price negotiation, and was able to get a discount of 100 baht per person -which is a lot considering that around 80-100 people were expected to attend the event. Unfortunately, when the time came despite the lower price from Radisson Blu, the seniors opted to attend the other hotel.

Despite the hotel I was responsible for was not selected at the end of the day, I gained a lot of experience. I reached out of my comfort zone and reached out to an unknown person, being able to communicate clearly and efficiently. Furthermore, I also gained the skill of negotiation being able to lower down the price rather significantly, something that no one expected could be done. I also learnt the skill of management and organization, being able to contact and plan this prom while also balancing school and work. Furthermore, I also strengthened my skills related with collaboration and teamwork due to how close the hotel team was working together, checking in on each other often due to the fact that our group had to be the first to finish in order for other groups such as decorations to get started.